01.04. 22 means April Fools today, so stand by for pranks and jokes. As it happens some might say we've had two years of a joker called Boris running martial law in the U.K.! Who on Earth trusts Johnson as a safe pair of hands if it wasn't for the mass hypnotism of the state media, the Behavioural Insights team at Cabinet Office, Common Purpose etc?
Anyway that's plenty about politics dear readers, All this yin yang leads us nowhere after all. Beyond the worlds described by their opposites lies Unity Thinking, Non-duality in other words. All the world's a stage quite literally as we know, in his time Mankind plays many parts indeed, and only Love Universal, Agape, not romantic, is devoid of opposites. Certainly hate may mask Divine Love but even haters need forgiveness of course, since such folks are victims of their Karma, family history etc.
On the personal level for those of you keen to stay updated, your old blogger still tends to cough a lot due to the pulmonary fibrosis and so on. Never mind, miracles are being invoked daily at least so that's our best bet of getting to 80 years before passing. If you wish to say a few prayers for the author of Wear and Dao, feel free!
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