After yesterday's exciting night and day in Dryburn hospital in Durham UK, Saturday 25.03.2020 dawns revealing a whole new day of sunny weather to warm things up somewhat for those of us mobile enough to spring out of bed, which does not include your rather immobile old blogger, dear reader. That's life as viewed from the perspective of patients in Dryburn hospital, some in worse condition than your breathless old blogger on Mother's Day tomorrow, Sunday 26.03.2020.
You see, dear reader, death and dying is a mixed blessing depending on many factors philosophical, psychological, spiritual and miraculous. Saturday turned out most satisfactory with influential visitors to assist the quest for the two bedroom bungalow near here in Stanhope principally and practically speaking, whilst the spiritual dimension was full of miracles with invocations from increasing numbers of of folks hoĺding religious beliefs in various faiths including a friend who married a Russian who she met there, both now resident in Weardale and followers of Bom the forerunner of Buddhism in Tibet. Carol yesterday sent lucky charms to your sick old blogger, having found the story on Wear and Dao which you are reading now.
Meanwhile, today Bill and Jacqui are here for lunch and more invocations regarding the miracles to come. One such miracle was the amount of food delivered by the local take way ... if we'd finished the lot that would have been a miracle for sure! There was enough to feed an army and great quality. After eating what we could manage invocations commenced with mantras and cures for all sorts of diseases, so fingers crossed our prayers will be answered.
Now it's time for supper with leftover takeaway including lemon meringue pie! See you tomorrow, Monday 27.03.2020 dear reader, when breakfast may well consist of more leftover takeaway!
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