Monday, 28 March 2022

Further into April

Tuesday takes us ever closer to April Fools Day on April 1st as every year. This means Friday this year and Easter falls into April, not March as some years. April 2020 sees appointments for progress in bringing the bungalow into reality not to mention a trip to Bishop Auckland Hospital for further tests, which is also progress hopefully.

Back to Monday briefly and the only essential appointment was a Zoom call at 4. When your wandering old blogger was on Camino for some years, except interludes back in Stanhope, Skype was the thing and Zoom appeared on the scene unexpectedly. Frankly dear readers your sceptical blogger never trusted zooming at all and resisted its use. However, since the caring philosopher and retired nurse was zooming on a course on Philosophy which was fascinating since it covered all the bases from Lao Tse, Plato, Socrates, Buddha, Krishnamurti, and Jesus Christ, not to mention God his Father.

Now then, regular readers will see from Wear & Dao that heresy is quite normal in the search for Truth, Love, Simplicity and Compassion and all the other indicators on the Camino, or Life School, the search to seek Enlightenment in other words. All the World's a Stage said William Shakespeare, and in his life man plays many parts pointing to Truth in another way, inferring our world is all metaphor and just stories to try to make sense of the World in which we humans find ourselves.

As Wednesday appears with snow forecast all day it's time to send your latest blog on its way dear reader. Any suggestions for future topics are very welcome as always as we explore together the Nature of Reality.

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