Friday, 11 March 2022

Future Planning

On we  go with Philosophy dear friends of wisdom.Today's  theme is Future Planning so let's examine that shall we, in the context of futures facing old Philosophers. Clearly health plays a part, and illness too. Longevity is never fully predictable at any age, so it's best to prepare for the inevitable  and live cheerfully each day.

Now some say 71 is plenty old enough for three score years and ten, whilst others remain sprightly much older. That's how it is you see dear readers,  existential and environmental causes vie with genetics as if it must be one thing or the other.Clearly that is simplistic and cause and effect complex.

Nevertheless, dear reader, Life goes on until breathing creases, some say, whilst others find comfort in ongoing consciousness.

Meanwhile over on Netflix more spiritual messages emerge as well as amusement with films like Young Sheldon and Big Bang Theory plus a mysterious conspiracy by virtual worlds to appear to limit ones exposure to favour the beautiful new world our hearts know is possible!

Is it credible or plausible to take this seriously? Well dear credulous reader, what do you think and why? That's dialogue by the way, and advanced. Bringing  us to today's guests, Peter and Bill the Philosophers who enjoy a decent dialogue on a Sunday. Wise men for sure!

So, there you have it on Sunday March 13.. 2022 .

More blogs tomorrow maybe, but for now goodnight and sweet dreaming friends.

1 comment:

  1. Steve I am enjoying reading excerpts from your back catalogue whilst enjoying a fitful week's holiday in Barney. Virtual Worlds limiting exposure to the real World is very plausible to my mind and I believe are designed to do so. When people turn away from a virtual World, they instead (if equipped to do so) analyze the World around them and can then draw conclusions from observable facts. If a group of people do this and discuss patterns amongst themselves, then dissatisfaction with the status quo grows. If we continue to inhabit virtual worlds then we remain blind to the injustice of the real world and to reality itself. Can human beings handle reality, or is it safer for us to remain in virtual worlds with our perceptions shaped by others? Would the dark forces inherent in the human psyche overwhelm our positive attributes? But then are those who shape our virtual worlds capable themselves or will they blindly lead us off the precipice owing to their own hubris and folly?
