Thursday, 17 March 2022

Let's Keep it Light!

From comments received as requested, our topic or theme is to Keep it Light, and what on Earth does that infer dear sceptical blog readers?  Well, the first inference could be to literally flick the switch when it becomes dark, which is frankly absurd! However, if we add a spiritual dimension we may infer that evil requires goodness or the Light needs to to be switched on in order to dispel the darkness, which is better.

Before all that, dear readers, we need to correct  some omissions, not just the typos either but the lack of detail for example about the cancellation of the Findhorn trip and lack of clarity about the shift from the Retreat House to the current abode where the kind friend from the village offered her downstairs bathroom and a home, which was and is kindness personified.

The comments section regarding future blog titles remains open by the way. Miracles has already been proposed as a suitable topic, so feel free to offer others dear participating blog readers.

Moving on from yesterday, Thursday 17.03.2022 to today Friday 18.03.2022 a fresh new morning begins early as your coffee loving blogger eagerly awaits the first hit of the day, prepared by the solicitous nurse, carer and kind friend from the village who sleeps upstairs leaving your blogger to sleep on the bed specially designed to support  the needs of yours truly.

Before abandoning Thursday completely, last night's Netflix offer deserves a mention. The story is based in North Wales where two surveyors arrive from England to measure the nearby high hill known locally as a mountain. When it becomes clear to the local yokels that the surveyors will define the suspect high hill as a mountain only if they decide the height reaches 1,000 feet. Local pride is piqued and the fun begins as the initial measurement indicates a hill, so the community sets to an attempts to elevate the hill by nefarious means including barrowing soil to the peak!

Friday's agenda involves the kind carer trying to facilitate the proposed move to a bungalow before meeting a friend in need of support updale whose husband is poorly in the Community Hospital. As for visitors who knows, but the weekend has many, but that's a subject for another blog.

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