Marta was raised in Poland and fell in love with Jez her English husband when he wooed and wed her in Poland. Yesterday she arrived at the sanctuary where your old blogger has retreated in search of downstairs toilet facilities in order to ameliorate the breathlessness caused by the blood clots.
Now Marta has been a resister of tyranny for quite a while, since the Poles have seen tyranny before in recent history when the Nazis invaded Poland and occupied it as the 3rd Reich sought to create an Empire, swallowing other nations in their plan to dominate the world
As a devoutly Catholic country Poland, a next door neighbour, was an early pawn on the chess board, as the National Socialists mopped up the board piece by piece, neighbour by neighbour, with France an early target. The British Empire leaders decided to put their money on France, despite pressure from Nazi sympathisers in Britain including the heir to the throne and his Nazi loving wife, not to mention Oswald Mosley.
Meanwhile, Marta's influence crosses the time barrier from yesterday Wednesday 16.03.2022 to Thursday 17.03.2022 when Gillian, the Angel of Stanhope arrives for afternoon tea and scones plus Philosopy. Naturally dear Marta is referenced since her influence is inspirational, not least after Netflix last night and the true story of the young mystic and martyr in Poland post-war as the Polish Pontiff arrives and upsets the Communists and backs Solidarity who are in the lead as the Soviet Empire starts to crumble away and Gorbachev announces Glasnost.
That's all history now of course and the Anglo-American Empire with NATO in support crumbles in turn and Russia returns to power, plus China who between them form a formidable alliance based on mineral wealth.
My word, politics eh? Let's try a more peaceful topic next shall we?
Suggestions on comments please dear blog readers!
Good night . ..
Where are you Steve? ...