Saturday 30 July 2016

Brainwashing ...

Brainwashing is a word generally used pejoratively .... as if it was a bad thing ... yet we wash other parts of our body quite regularly ... indeed folk might think us dirty if we didn't ... and yes, the brain is on the inside, so we may not notice that it is in need of washing ...

So, why bother washing it at all?

Perhaps the analogy of a computer operating system may help ... if the brain is processing data, storing some on our hard drive but mostly drawing from the cloud or universal mind, then a clean and uncorrupted brain as operating system is essential for clear understanding. Yet our brain as operating system is easily corrupted by the viruses floating round in our environment ... and to complicate things further, our brain as operating system is not only processing incoming data, but also broadcasting the garbage we have produced ....

So, how to clean it up?

And how to avoid replacing the corrupted brain as operating system with another set of viruses, as in the usual brainwashing techniques?

The first step is to see what is going on. After all, if we don't perceive a problem, then we are hardly going to deal with it.

Next is to see how the viruses are getting in ... this requires some focused attention, maybe some guidance and above all a still mind ...

It will soon become obvious that static social mores, public opinion, accepted wisdom, transmitted by parents and teachers, and above all the mass media, be it radio, television or social media are the culprits ...

Withdrawing for a while from these influences is essential  ... and whilst a completely clean brain as operating system is difficult to attain, using the cleaner one to receive and transmit clearer information, will itself aid further cleaning.

Returning to the world of conditioned humans, we may find ourselves in different places, interacting differently with the same and different humans. .. and so on along an upward spiral ...

How will we know it was worth it?

The brain as operating system is infinitely more than any computer ... remember that was an analogy ... the whole enity which you call you, is vibrating energy ... if the spiral is upward you will feel easier, in tune with higher frequencies ... if downward there is dis-ease and self-medicating behaviour with drugs, alcohol, dense foods, destructive actions ...

On the group scale, we can see the effects of upward spiralling  and downward too ... the prevailing narrative sometimes seems dominated by the old ways of violence and greed ... yet another narrative is available, in ordinary communities and new style extraordinary ones, maybe not yet mainstream but that is up to us .... to live it and tell it ...

Well worth a little brainwashing eh?!


  1. Some would say, Steve - adopt the five ways to wellbeing (connect, take notice, keep learning, keep active and give) and the Mediterranean diet for optimal neurochemistry - same concept viewed through a different lens...

  2. Some would say, Steve - adopt the five ways to wellbeing (connect, take notice, keep learning, keep active and give) and the Mediterranean diet for optimal neurochemistry - same concept viewed through a different lens...
