Monday 1 August 2016


Hot today and ready for a shady coffee at the Tubalito after a brisk walk across the campo ... the return leg looks challenging, the dip eagerly anticipated ...

Pre-walk browsing produces new information from a recently acquired FB friend, which resonates immediately and looks set for this afternoon's study .... new tools for the new story and the beautiful new earth being birthed ...

The Noomap is giving practical expression to the noosphere imagined by Teilard de Chardin through mystical insight some years ago ... and the observation of sometime colleague in redesigning public services in County Durham, Cameron Gordon: interactive internet means hierarchies become redundant ...when everyone can talk to anyone about anything at any time, peer to peer replaces them takes a while to rearrange the furniture and we were premature in trying to persuade folks whose livelihood depended on the old ways to willingly embrace the new ... prematurity is a necessary, if uncomfortable, stage ... a seeding ... many of these paradigm shifts take generations to build ... the old thinkers have to retire or pass on before the new enters the mainstream ... though time itself is speeding up as information increases exponentially ... and the new applications of peer to peer enter quietly and grow ... Couchsurfing, Blablacar, Abundance and now this meta application from Chris Larcombe, pressing all the buttons for me ... exciting stuff and one to investigate further. ..

Meanwhile, the energy is moving as the end of this retreat comes into sight ... first a visit from Agnieszka next week, to talk about a Place to Be, then wrapping up with the new housesitters, and on the road, earlier than anticipated ... maybe a trip to France to see blog supporter and friend from those premature days of peer to peer community development ... a rare long term Durham council officer who maintained independence of thought in that wilderness of innovation ....

Exciting times!


  1. Good luck with the next step after the retreat. Hope you find that change brings new energy and that there will indeed be exciting times. I have been revisiting Spinoza recently; undoubtedly a modern thinker over 300 years ago. God and nature as one substance. I find it interesting to oscillate between feeling separate and connected with people and places and attempting to get the right balance. Currently spending my time between the UK and Mallorca in three/four weekly periods.

  2. Now we have the Spanish Plume and he is starting work next Tuesday...

  3. Now we have the Spanish Plume and he is starting work next Tuesday...
