Thursday 25 May 2017


After the last post on the political panto, the polarisation is ramped up exponentially with the slaughter of children outside a pop concert in Manchester ... the genre moving from farce to horror and whilst it may still be told as a story, an ancient and ongoing one, the awful reality for suffering families, friends and all those drawn into opinions on the carnage is tangible ....

Mass media has been avoided, though one assumes wall to wall commentary to heighten the fear factor ... aided by the government deployment of troops on the streets .... in social media, Islamophobes notwithstanding, the horror is so extreme that most folks appear to be pleading for peace rather than revenge ... though a UKIP spokesperson  apparently demanded the return of capital punishment for suicide bombers .... the leader of this not so smart wing of the Tory party has the name of Nuttall .... an earlier chief landed a foreign surname as unintended irony ... along with an echo of "a confused mixture" if you like the clues ... current Strong and Stable Prime Minister got a provisional name inferring she was not so sure ... and the current President of the USA shares his first name with a cartoon duck, the second with a slang word for fart .... his role maybe to hold a mirror up to the electorate of this once great nation and see how degenerate it has become ... similarly in the DUK our elected leaders reflect the narrow-minded, selfish country we find ourselves in ... though, as noted above, such extreme dramas may help folks to transcend the destructive cycles of violence

As for the ancient story, still hanging around in the collective consciousness(es), it is from the Crusades, with the three great Abrahamic religions, with their one powerful creator God, vying for control of the energetic centre around Jerusalem .... given contemporary expression in Oil ... strange alliances form around ancient myths and following threads of cause and effect takes forever ... however the deranged suicide bomber of Manchester this week was descended from a Libyan family and Libya was reduced to ruin and led to fundamental Islam by military intervention from NATO in 2011 .... 100 years on from the Italian occupation of its territory, then part of the Ottoman Empire ...

Back in Stanhope, summer arrives, along with the goddesses ... one for a lovely lunch and walk on Sunday, another for lunch on Tuesday, more on the Wheels to Meals trip yesterday, another today for lunch and wander ... tomorrow a new friend, found on FB, living locally, working with resonance for healing and enlightenment ... more later on her ...

The balance between solitude and no-self, and recreating roles in this human incarnation, by definition through relationship, is a delicate task ... not least since the restless seeker is off again in a few weeks, with no place or time of return ... and the Retreat House in Stanhope still calls, quietly, insistently ...

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