Sunday 27 August 2017

role adjustment ...

After neglecting the writer role while reflecting on incoming information as well as changing circumstances, the editor requests resumption .... somehow validating the illusory entity "writer" and encouraging an effort to arrange words in a more or less coherent pattern which may communicate notions worth sharing, whilst avoiding too traditional linguistic forms and thus challenging reader(s) to participate in the exercise ...

The editor, meanwhile, having made a guest contribution, resumes his summer sojourn in Ciblat, leaving the writer to unmangle recent ramblings on infinity, parallel universes and other topics ... speaking of which, the recently mentioned book "Infinity" points out that the three dot punctuation style practised from the beginning of the blog as an attempt to indicate the lack of full stops in Life, is used in mathematics to indicate ... Infinity! Mathematically literate (numerate?) readers will already know that, though none shared the fact on here ... though who knows whether mathematicians read this blog ... sometimes it feels as if the readership is a handful of friends and family .... google metrics report on page views and even location, though it is of little interest to the writer, who plods on regardless ... the exercise helpful in its own write (sic) to develop thoughts and record for future forgetfulness ...

The role adjustment in the title refers to the arrival of resources, presenting a problem to the nomad persona carefully cultivated over the past few years ... the Retreat House project planned for the windfall languishing for want of energy and co-creators is replaced with an investment in a small cottage nearby ... an idea encouraged by sensible and caring friends and embraced without much investigation, after two chats and tours ... asking price offered and accepted ... subject to contract, as they say ... though, being handily located on the Weardale Way, on the outskirts of the village, it looks like a handy bolt hole in the place which seems more like home than anywhere at present, and well set up for holiday letting, AirBnB and so on ... a few weeks to complete then maybe a pilgrimage to celebrate ...

Daughters, sharing in the windfall, are of a better age to enjoy the benefits ... to be honest, it's more of a bother than a blessing in many ways and the adjustment is taking a while, since simplicity and lightness was aligned with slim, albeit adequate, resources ... anyway, equanimity is maintained ... and the Retreat House is still waiting ... being useful noted as key to Life and there is enough energy for a big project as well as a few thousand miles of walking ...

Being house based for a while means the library grows again (and a new home for it soon) ... Kate Atkinson's novel A God in Ruins inspires a search for its prequel Life After Life ... both taking full advantage of their fiction status to stretch readers' minds with notions of parallel universes ... yesterday's trip to Durham turning up a good quality hardback version along with two books from the Dalai Lama and a timely find in the science section by Gregg Braden - The Divine Matrix ... where it has more validity than Dawkins, still sneaking into the spirituality section ...

Facebook provides another piece of the jigsaw with a video from Robert Lanza on Bio-Centrism  ... another scientist sticking his neck out and challenging the orthodoxies of scientism  ... who knows who's right or wrong? Certainly not your scientifically and mathematically illiterate writer ... though experience, albeit processed through a still conditioned brain, points to everything being connected, consciousness being participatory in reality and the universe(s) being benign somehow ...

Of course, none of this is new ... yet somehow the insights of the ancient philosophers, often corrupted by organisations formed around their ideas, are not convincing enough ... indeed any conceptual understanding of someone else's truth is suspect ... this stuff has to be integrated and embodied and that is perhaps the work of all of us in some parallel universe ... certainly a joy for your blogger in this one (which may, or may not, be the one inhabited by any reader ...)

Time for lunch!

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