Friday 5 January 2018

Reality ... but not as we know it ...

Buddhism and Hinduism have a rest, replaced by wacky science in the form of Michael Talbot's The Holographic Universe ... a second reading and still fascinating, citing David Bohm, a Wear and Dao favourite in his own right as well as in the wonderful dialogues with his friend Krishnamurti ...  plus David Mitchell's resonant Slade House, with its portal to parallel worlds ...

The established facts of the interconnectedness of everything, wave/particle duality and non-local fields are woven into Talbot's accessible work ... though many folks, scientists and non-scientists, find the consensus reality known as normal, mostly workable and preferable to exploring the implications of the awkward findings in the quantum world (resonant with mystical insight throughout the ages along with worked out systems in Buddhism and Hinduism) ...

However, fragmentation, a key fallacy of concensus reality, lies at the heart of many of current problems at psychological, sociological and political levels and has to be addressed if we are to progress as a species not separate from each other or the whole of Nature ... and relating that to personal experience is the recent story of no-self and the intuition of separation as an illusion no longer tenable ... insight into the interconnectedness of everything occurred a few years ago after several hours wandering the fells ...

Today's practice in patience and equanimity entails a bus ride to Bishop Auckland to find help in the long running mobile internet drama ... eschewing a 12 or 18 month contract at the house, when it may be empty for a long part of that, a trip to Durham just before Christmas produced a Chinese made mobile WiFi device, loaded with a bargain pay as you go SIM ... which didn't work ... a return to the shop produced a SIM from another provider ... which didn't work either ... tortuous web chat with helpdesk, involving some SIM switching into mobile phone to test the SIM ( as if that is an easy task) led nowhere ... hence the trip to the very helpful Guru, a young man who understood this brave new world, though we didn't have a chance to discuss areas more traditional Gurus dabble in ... at time of writing a call from the guru is awaited, to solve the latest glitch, whilst a visit to the branch of the previous shop which missold two SIMs elicits the promise of a refund by cheque ...leaving me wondering if the god of the internet is helping me manage the tendency to spend too much time browsing and when the regulator will get to grips with the loose standards of the industry... the time spent by the customer solving problems has no value apparently and we must be grateful if we finally get what we paid for ... equanimity intact though ...

Meanwhile, an apology to any readers offended by the shocking use of the phrase "loose women" in the last post ... thanks to the editor for severely criticising such crass language ... feedback is important to keep the standards up ... and for any broad minded scientists offended by the reference to the holistic universe story as wacky science, it was a device to disarm the cynics as well as an admission that science is not a strong point at Wear and Dao ...

1 comment:

  1. We are all very different and not all "strong" in Science - as you would say - it is good to keep an open mind and understand that Science is no more than putting natural phenomena into a language that Joe Soap can appreciate...
