Wednesday 19 December 2018

Messengers ...

Messengers continue to turn up with pieces of the jigsaw ... after some time with Jordan Peterson and his compelling style and interesting insights, attention turned to Alan Wallace with his combination of experience exploring the external world with traditional science and other worlds through deep meditation ... his teaching that Mind cannot reveal its secrets through peering at brains but only by looking inward ... necessarily a subjective view and therefore declared invalid by the often arrogant scientists, still operating under the illusion that observer and observed are separate ... then Gabor Mate' with penetrating insights into root causes of chronic disease ...

Other messengers are less famous of course, and may be found in the least likely places, whilst traditionally revered messengers are called gurus or prophets and attract followers forgetting that, whilst the message and the messenger may not be separate, accepting the message conceptually without embodying it and testing its inherent validity personally, is an error with grave consequences,  elevating the messenger to a status separate from the followers and opening them up to potential abuse, if not from the messenger, then from successors assuming positions of power in hierarchies ... as history clearly shows ...

Meanwhile, local messenger and friend, who taught techniques of Mindfulness and recently launched his second book, called The Enlightened Spaniel, turns up at nearby cafe to sign copies and catch up on events ... you can order your copy through Hive, the ethical alternative to the virtual shop currently taking over the world of retail internationally and powerful enough to avoid taxes and any pretence of concern for the workers in vast warehouses ... our own power, appearing limited, is exercised by avoiding such corporate entities, driven as they are by a relentless search for shareholder profit ...

Starring on social media is a warrior for the planet, Greta Thunberg, a 15 year old Swedish girl, who, having learnt about the consequences of unbridled economic growth and burning of fossil fuels, decided to embody her lessons by going on strike outside the Parliament building, saying it was pointless continuing in school when there soon would be no school, Sweden or Earth if nothing was done ... inspirational and quite unlike the stereotypical teenager in Western democracies ...

On the home front, while solar panels limp along in dismal weather, work on the multi-fuel burner of fossil fuels resumes ... hypocrisy acknowledged ... best not tell Greta since she is very stern and takes no prisoners from the complacent ancient generation responsible for so much of the mess ...

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