Sunday 10 November 2019

Return of the Sun

After a wet week with little light to excite the solar panels, today sees the return of the Sun for most of the day ... yesterday's early show not lasting long, though enough to provide a wonderful early walk through the woods, watching leaves detach and flutter to the ground ... on the tops a good crop of Blewitts, frozen from the cold night and enough for friend's planned vegetarian lunch as well as several helpings here ...

Washing optimistically on the line in early sunshine, then off uphill for gorgeous five hour wander, almost like a day on the Camino and, without intermediate coffee stops, a fair physical test after the week's rest ...

Politics continues to polarise, with main event - to exit or remain in the EU - occasionally diverted into how much each party is planning to spend to bribe a gullible electorate. .. austerity apparently a thing of the past, not because of major improvements in the public finances, in fact without any apology for the suffering it caused over the last 9 years, as if this was nothing to do with the party asking for another term ... not much detail either on how the gross inequalities will be practically addressed by the main challenger or any party proposing radical measures like Basic Income to incentivise folks stuck in benefit dependency ...

Meanwhile Mossad's plot to conflate anti-Zionism and anti-semitism persists, with willing and well paid supporters inside JCs party continuing to punish the leadership for calling out the war crimes of current and recent Israeli governments ...

A relatively busy week ahead includes Assisted Shopping tomorrow and lunch trips to daughters Wednesday and Thursday, with added culture Thursday at Lumiere, an invitation to risk joining the crowds in Durham from a dear friend ... a birthday celebration, itself rather rare ...

As for long awaited book project, despite recent visit from the editor, progress is slow and motivation lacking ...

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