Saturday 2 May 2020

A letter to a friend ...

Dear J....

I was thinking of writing to you privately, but these stories take so long to dream, consider, write on one channel, transfer to an incompatible alternative channel, and so quick to read, it seemed worth begging your indulgence and sharing it with the tiny portion of the world actually following this stuff. You were in at the beginning and mostly all along the way. That's a select bunch of maybe four I know of ... anyway, as often said before, it's not written for others, but for me. An aid to memory in case the Alzheimer's arrives.

And, as discovered along the Ways, there are no others anyway ... later corroborated by a sage called Nisargadatta ... though not proven through verifiable, scientific, objective means. This work is subjective ... a true investigation of the psyche is inner work.

As you know this brain is not well wired for science. Rather unbalanced in favour of the right side, not the left. A small irony, politically, you might say! I rely on scientific friends to help.
Polymaths balance better, though it seems impossible, these days, to find anyone who knows everything about everything. Imagine that!

Einstein knew a lot about science. He said e=mc squared.  That's famous. Some people even understand it. He is said to have said: the intuition brought the idea in whole, I spent decades examining it before revealing the simplest possible (but no simpler) equation to express it.
I have no clue. That mass may be energy condensed is enough for me, for now. All is energy.
Still, that's the zero point field, ground of being, that which is not to be described or whatever you want to call it. Tao ... or Dao ...

You say I am prone to overthinking. Which may itself be overthinking. There is plenty of time and solitude along the Ways for thinking. It's an inner journey at best. I don't much care for Santiago de Compostela itself. And even that's not the destination. Finnisterre is the end of the Earth. Unless you have a boat. The point is to slow the thinking. Examine each thought carefully, compassionately,  see if it is worth keeping. Walt Whitman, a mystic, advised: Examine everything you have been taught, at home and school. Reject everything that insults your soul.

Which is to say, get rid of the rubbish before adding new information. Otherwise the new is tainted by the known.

Let's leave it there for now. Other stories are waiting to be born. Time is short.
The crisis is pregnant with possibilities.
Fear based solutions can't turn out well.
Love and clear thinking are needed more than ever now.

Your friend, as ever,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for that, Steve - all I have to say is just be!
