Friday 22 January 2021

Infinite Worlds ...

Today's post belongs in science fiction ... file it there, relax, enjoy the ride, it's not the destination after all, we know where that ends up, at least we think we do, tied as we are to body-mind, identifying with this flesh, blood, bones, gristle and brain ... a categorical error in some philosophical systems, but not all ...

Have you lost your mind? ... some readers ask ... possibly comes the reply, it depends how you're defining mind ... to play with words we might Capitalise Mind to infer the incredible notion of Universal Mind, spoken about in religious circles, or the small m mind, whether small-minded or not, it's ours to use to explore the world we see ... narcissists, for example really struggle to see their world as important at all without them in a leading role ... descending into current politics we might infer Johnson and Trump as fitting examples, but essentially we all have the potential for solipcism. .. which particular Sun we revolve around is semantics or Pedantics, if that is a word ... and if it wasn't it is now, since language must evolve to better describe what on Earth is going on!

Recapping briefly:
Language is how we see our world ...
Language of any kind entails thought ...
Thought is limited ... and so on ...

Human beings are curious, having moved beyond the moment to moment curiosity of other species to wondering about deeper questions: What is good? Why does the Sun rise in the sky, move across it and fall off the edge only to rise next day more or less at the same side as before?
Why has another human being got more than me? Food, sex, stuff and so on, and how can I be the one round here running the show, tribe or whatever we call our group? What about that other group, over there, are they sharing or competing?
And, who's in charge ultimately? After all, there are things beyond our comprehension ... shall we name the great creator, the one who knows everything, sees everything, controls everything, even that tricky question about the movement of that ball of heat and light across the sky? Looking around, we find it's mostly men appearing to be in charge, in daylight anyway. At night, in moonlight, the seductive power of woman often drives the man crazy, whilst next day she calmly nurtures the group, allowing the men to imagine they're in charge again! Therefore, it follows logically that the invisible creator is male and to save time explaining we'll call him god ... or to indicate respect let's call Him God ... and if images are required to reinforce the point, though forbidden in some cultures or cults, why not present him as an elderly white bloke with long white hair and flowing robes?

Skipping on through timeless time, timeless systems trying to explain and constrain, using thought, albeit limited, to describe what we see or think we see ... we often find ourselves agreeing to see our world, more or less, as the same ... minor variations permitted depending on the latest orthodoxy, but a shared view, a consensus reality, enforced by the powerful, keen to hold on to their privileges and the less powerful often falling in line for the sake of security, peer pressure keeping the show on the road, for a while at least ...

Until Nature itself, or to posit Nature in opposition to the imaginary God, Herself, mutinies against the heresy: That human beings are separate from Her and put in charge by Him, to desecrate the Earth, then explore other planets to colonise and so on ... storied here, as regular reader(s) may recall, as the essence of the mythical Garden of Eden ...
Nature's Mutiny, by the Way, refers to the latest addition to the Library ... a thrilling romp through history, specifically with reference to the paradigm shifting Little Ice Age of the Middle Ages and the current meteorological paradigm shifting Heat Age, whether human caused or otherwise is not that relevant, but human behaviour, carrying on with conspicuous consumption, a special kind of madness where ordinary folk think they can buy immortality, peace of mind, love romantic or universal with money, the love of which is well known as the root of evil ... it's bad enough when it's just the new gods, the billionaires who are so sick, but these boomers?

Anyway, enough of politics, the Sun is shining in Stanhope, the current delusion in the self-created world of your blogger intact for now and inevitably shifting into other worlds, aligned somehow with other fragments from illusory Time to Time, in illusory Space in the fantastic Infinite World described mathematically by Hugh Everett the third around your bloggers birthday, but in the USA, at a Time when clever men were building Nuclear Bombs and testing them on other humans, destroying whole cities, twice ... nice work and painless for the pilots and crew ...

... to be continued, but not forever ...

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