Saturday 20 February 2021

A Middle Way ?

In a radical revision of writing, the topic of today suggests a Middle Way. This includes full stops.
Personal pronouns may pop up as well. Verbs will take their turn with nouns, and attention will be paid to grammar, inasmuch as it is understood; semi-colons indicating a pause longer than a comma, but shorter than a whole colon. And both longer than a full stop. Though starting a sentence with "And" or "Though" are often frowned upon by pedants, not to mention a sentence without a verb.

Following the thread from yesterday's title, New Normal, itself a buzzword from the plot against freedom, known as The Great Reset, much discussed this past year since it's quite unusual to have democratic governments joining governments without democracy in declaring Martial Law.
The fact that this old blogger found his boat trip to France en route to another pilgrimage cancelled focused his mind on opposition to the Coup. That and the instruction to the Elders of the Dale to stay indoors in case of flu, though previous flus, not more lethal than this one, had locked no-one up. Winter flu often contributed to the death of many old and vulnerable people, but that rarely stopped them going out. In fact many said they were determined to end their lives in good company, not sitting indoors lonely.

Observers of a spiritual inclination advised transcending the mundane matters of politics, not bad advice since the Stanhope Retreat House was comfortable, with kind neighbours, an expanding Library, walking routes all round, sufficient shops nearby for supplies and a stable mind, more or less. To be honest there was a revolt against the iniquity and opportunities were seized to ignore the rules and subvert the locals wherever possible. Being free of TV and radio turned off along with newspaper propaganda freed the mind from the hypnosis employed by the Authorities, national and local. Gradually a broader picture emerged: a well coordinated plan to encourage the people of the world to travel less, buy less rubbish and generally act as if the Planet needed more responsible citizens. Which may be the case!

The method chosen by the United Nations, World Economic Forum, World Health Organisation and others, supported by Common Purpose slowly taking key positions of power over 20 years or more, required the shock and awe modelled in the invasion of Iraq, putting the populace in fear and thereby controlled and compliant. This part is unethical to say the least and leaves your blogger looking for a Middle Way, which is to say that the Plutocrat Pandemic and Green New Deal and Socialist System coming next are unacceptable, though Simplicity, Renewable Energy and Minimum Income Guarantees sound like good ideas.

Stepping up a level is the key, transcending Divide and Rule, love of Money and Fear of Death, as taught by Buddha, Lao Tse, Ramana, not to mention mystic scientists, the Messengers.

If this sounds Cosmic, maybe it is, but we aren't solving the fundamental issues now becoming critical using the tired old ways. If the Age of Aquarius is finally upon us, let's embrace it enthusiastically. If you are old enough to recall the dawning and the attendant joy and freedom of our liberated youth, you may be really lucky to see it lighting up the Earth!

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