Friday 22 April 2022

Saturday Serenity

Another weekend in Weardale dear readers of Wear and Dao the blog. So, why Saturday Serenity? Well today's a peaceful day with no visitors expected but clearish skies meaning a ride out somewere or other to enjoy the vitD on tap from the Sun! That will mean four consecutive days sunbathing, helping the recuperation of the wheezing old blogger.

Naturally, even on a Serene Saturday it would be madness to expect complete serenity, what with the kind caring nurse carer and car driver at the wheel of the car and the wheelchair as we shopped at Sainsburys in the Arnison Centre, not far from Stanhope where both reside. And close to Dryburn hospital the scene of a few dramas.

For strangers to the North Pennines of England this means a shortish trip to Durham City where the local authority hangs out, sometimes actually working and collecting taxes! If this sounds mean by the way, many folks say the exact same thing, including the kind, caring nurse driving her car today and yours truly sitting serenely  in the wheelchair. Before this shopping expedition breakfast of porridge oats with fruit and honey, followed by toasted sourdough bread and a second coffee in which to dunk it. At Sainsburys when shopping was done light lunch was pain au chocolate dunked in cappuccino. Long time readers of the blog will recall that ye olde blogger has enjoyed many a cappuccino in many countries , the maker of today's  cappuccino would perhaps benefit from visiting these countries, if not to enjoy the weather and get some vit D then to learn the art of making one .  Skipping lunch, led to a slightly larger supper ... a gorgeous spanokopita or cheese pie that is usually made with filo pastry and feta cheese plus spinach, from Greece, though this version was varied by substituting puff pastry for the filo.

So much for the food offering today, how about some philosophy and psychology now? Well let's say not everything went serenely between the caring nurse carer and yours truly and leave it at that! Anyway, by the time we returned to Stanhope rather tired, and had consumed the spanokopita and dessert, it was time for bed and completing todays story on the blog, whilst reminiscing about many lives the theme of Life after Life  a story by the well known mystic  Kate Atkinson which speaks of many lives, all happening at once, which is hard to swallow indeed, nevertheless touching a nerve in the immortal soul of yours truly ...

Tomorrow is Sunday full of possibilities, but let's not speak of that today ....

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