Monday, 31 January 2022

31.01.22 More Monday Musing

Here it is at last, after a very mild month with sufficient Sun to activate the solar panels and warm the water in the tank. Two storms in quick succession bring down trees and produce debris enough to cut off the electricity supply, including here. This Retreat House has been a blessing indeed in its few years since the funds from a family trust landed in the bank account, creating an existential challenge for the free living blogger. Who could have predicted the descent into chaos fomented by the Plutocrats to reduce the world population drastically, effectively launching World War 3 via bio-weaponry and conning most of the people into accepting the situation through Fear. Please note that this narrative has its counterpart, which is to call the first story conspiracy theory whilst the Freedom loving Resistance retorts that the official narrative promotes a real conspiracy.

Think about it for a while dear readers: when WW1 and 2 were declared and conscription mandatory, the conscientious resisters were derided and declared cowards, though as those brave resisters clearly saw, whatever the BBC told the airwaves, that going to War served the interests of the Plutocrats, not the poor bastards killing each other in the name of patriotism, which is frankly demented.

Now then, since the current crisis in the world is mirrored at every level, a brief mention of the blogger's crisis with this lung infection is worth a few words, not for sympathy but to highlight again how such crises bring out the best aspects of humanity, as well as the worst, depending on one's view of Life and whether good friends and family rally round or run away, not wishing to become involved.Frankly speaking, dear readers, cheery optimism has always served your blogger best, and despite the current crisis that has not changed essentially. So, here's the story for today: clot busters take a while, friends and family rally round, rest and patience is practised despite the tempting Sun outside the window, good nutrition is made reality and a firm conviction that March 25th is the very latest that the trip to Findhorn will prevent the 6 hour drive, though clearly such driving and passenger riding has already occurred in the last two weeks.

Evening comes, still dark at 6pm, and supper's prepared for the philosophical friend from the village and your blogger, after which it's film night: Secrets and Lies starring Timothy Spall and Brenda Blethyn where an adopted black woman is reunited with her white birth mother.A very deep and perceptive treatment of racism in the late 60s in London.

Before all that the reading material was Charles Eisenstein's "The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible ".

Who on Earth knows about Tuesday the 1st of February, except it's Imbolc and a New Moon.

Good night dear readers!

Saturday, 29 January 2022

30.01.22 Sunday Serenity

That's it then! One more day before the last day of January, then it's February, the shortest day of the year! Time marches on relentlessly as humans start to question their mortality and reasons for spending time on this planet this time. In the midst of the chaos engendered by the Dark side, the opportunity arises to practise serenenity, for as is well known the wise ones don't get drawn into the Dark game, but rise above it all to see beyond YinYang and Duality and smile serenely rather like Gautama the original Buddha. And, dear philosophical readers, please note that serenity is by no means limited to famous Gurus revered by millions,  but on the contrary is a sacred gift from beyond. For Christian folks Sunday is when religion gets an outing, or did, so today look around you and check for the ones practising what they preach ...

Bringing us home to The Retreat House where Bill is due soon for lunch and philosphical discourse. The menu is from the wonderful Rise Artisan Bakery, so let's see shall we if he's on his usual form, which epitomises serenity. Meanwhile on the weather front, Storm Malik becomes Storm Corrie as it pounds the coast en route to Scandinavia. What's in a name? Another existential question to ask! It's as if these weather events were designed to scare us with human names, when it's really human games used as part of the Dark side's plots ...

After lunch with the wonderful Rise Artisan Bread and delightful  dessert, plus vegetables for roughage, philosophy ensues  with Bill and the other guest, the friend from the village studying philosophy, conversing since a silent meal is helpful for chewing what with breathlessness and strong crusts to chew. Anyway, we came to a consensus view of the cosmic nature of the so-called pandemic and since this crisis operates at every level, on the point of the Dark side conspiring against the Light side there was slight dissension from the philosophical friend from the village. Now, that's how science and logic works, so it wasn't an issue.

After Bill departed, Diana arrived slightly unexpectedly and accepted tea and the last tasty pastry as we discussed questions philosophical from her perspective as a lapsed Catholic with some issues to address, like how lapsed for example.

Tomorrow is Monday, the final day of January and god knows who will arrive or why, but what's possible is U.K. Column News on livestream and some random visitor ... which basically is Life at The Retreat House these days.

Good night dear sceptical readers and thanks for taking the time to read this strange stuff ...

29.01.22 Saturday Sun

Since today is sunny, albeit breezy, a trip over to Barnard Castle is planned, to see the views and buy supplies from Morrison's and Rise Artisan Bakery. After all, there's no point stopping indoors when its not even raining is there? Now, as it happens, this was one of those days when the little blood clots were causing a little more breathlessness than before, so after parking close enough to Rise and purchasing a large seeded sourdough, a huge ciabatta and several pastries we made our way upstairs to see about lunch. Soup of the Day was Stilton and Mushroom blended together, plus two different crusts from the ends of the Artisan loaves made earlier by Alex and Cat, master bakers of Rise. After baking the bread they produced pastries to die for, savoury and sweet, before loading the shelves, including the window display with the results. Maybe they had time for breakfast and a nap at this point, maybe not, but anyway when your gourmet blogger and his friend from Stanhope, acting as chauffeur today, arrived at around 12.30 or lunchtime, both bakers were dressed in baker's clothes and pitching in with the waiting and serving staff.

Compare this approach to food to alternatives, say highly processed mush appropriating the word "bread", leaving master bakers of yore reduced to calling their real bread Artisan Bread! This is clearly described by Charles Eisenstein in The Yoga of Eating and other brilliant books available in the Library of The Retreat House in Stanhope.

After some clearing and preparing in The Retreat House, ready for a light supper and a film, The Life of Pi came on. For those of a spiritual nature this one's for you, and you've not seen it before, do. Based on a book by Yann Martel, well worth reading by the way, this film is free to borrow from the Library of The Retreat House. We don't post them, so you need to call in at Stanhope, unless it's now gone virtual like most things these days! That's the Great Reset of course, a subject for another day ...

Tomorrow is Sunday and another Stand in the Park at Hexham missed. Never mind, best to rest and bust these clots in the lungs once and for all and certainly before the end of March and early April when Utta arrives for two weeks holiday from Berlin. Meanwhile, Bill, the spiritual advisor of the philosophical blogger, arrives for lunch. What better than Rise Artisan Bread for main course and delicious pastries for dessert?

Storm Malik's predicted to be 80 mph tomorrow, which is rather breezy, but Bill's highly unlikely to let that stop him driving over from Hexham to Stanhope for lunch.

Good night dear readers, and don't forget The Life of Pi ...

Thursday, 27 January 2022

28.01.22 Free Friday

Last Friday of January 2022 today and checking the diary it appears to be completely free which is great. After all, we all wish for Freedom don't we, yet spend most of our lives as wage slaves. Even retired folks often graft on to top up the pension and it seems people with excess cash often wish they had more. Madness! When will we learn that enough is enough? Naturally nobody chooses to suffer from extreme poverty, do they? So why on Earth suffer from extreme envy? That's the folly of humans, who spend too much time counting their money, and so little time on Philosophy reflecting on the Purpose of this Life or the others.

Remember the long weekend, when wage slaves were granted Saturday for leisure and Sunday for misery and boredom going to Church to hear from priests why all the rest of us are inherently evil unless we confess our Sins? That was not so long ago in Christian countries, causing the poor brainwashed peasants to wonder what kind of God could be so cruel, when the hierarchy of this Faith became increasingly wealthy until we landed at the Vatican, where the Pope resided, and since he had a hot line to God Almighty, hypocrisy was observed in pretty much every religion organised hierarchically.

This observation takes us back to Krishnamurti of course, who taught that anything organised and not flowing must in the end decay, and let's face it folks religions are not exempt! Actually, they're the worst. This observation also fits with current theories of physics -  one of K's closest friends was David Bohm - like many scientists these days merging science and non-duality was  their aim.

Now for tonight's film, Eat, Pray, Love with Julia Roberts as Liz Gilbert wandering Italy, India and Bali in search of Love, which she found in Bali, the romantic form anyway. Before that she wished for Universal Love, which is Agape, a whole different category of Love. And since Liz Gilbert's story is biographical, after her handsome male lover spent time with her, it was revealed she fell in love with a woman, though it's not in the script.

Tomorrow is Saturday and no plans, so another Free day, though the friend from the village proposes a ride out in her car again. Barnard Castle is an option to buy delicious artisan bread and pastries from Rise ...

Let's see what the morning brings shall we?

Good night dear readers, sleep well!

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

27.01.22 Thursday thirst.

The forecast is sunny and thoughts of a walk arise, since the weeks of indispostion have meant sitting indoors mostly, whereas it's well known that the body requires regular exercise as well as the mind. Now the mind in the view of the blogger is primary and therefore just as one is motivated by a love of walking, so a thirst for Wisdom or Knowledge motivates the mind. And the difference between the two? Well, it's fundamental and knowledge through books is important, but Wisdom from knowing oneself primary.

By books, we must include films in modern times, and last night's film, chosen by the friend from the village currently thirsting for Wisdom and Knowledge and studying philosophy, was a dialogue with Jiddu Krishnamurti, Mary Zimbalist and Scott Forbes. Mary was K's personal assistant and close companion, whose wealthy American husband died, whilst Scott was the second head teacher of Brockwood School, another American. As far as light entertainment goes this one was not light at all. K is difficult for bloggers who've been studying K's teachings for many years, and exceedingly tough going for folks just recently engaged in the study of philosophy.

In the afternoon Gillian arrived as planned, and we discussed matters philosophical for a while, over a cup of tea and a piece of cake, then your blogger walked a liitle way back with her.

Tonight's film was rather lighter - Young Victoria,  a romance between Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. There was plenty of opposition to their romance for political reasons, and this was a time when the monarchy itself was unpopular, so when a gunman took potshots at Albert nobody was surprised. Anyway they married and Albert sired 9 children before clocking off at 42, leaving the nation wealthy and popular. To this day the Monarchy is popular, at least with Monarchists, though Republicans not so much.

Now then, what's happening tomorrow, Friday? Nothing planned, not even the film in the evening. U.K. Column News is on livestream at 1pm and replay shortly after, so that's an option. Anyway, something interesting is bound to happen with so many books to read and inspire the thirst for Wisdom, or Knowledge ....

Good night dear readers!

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

26.01.22 Wednesday non-duality

Since today is mid-week if we call Saturday and Sunday a weekend, why not explore more philosophy  to pass the time? Leaving aside for now preliminary philosphical questions, such as the notion of linear time and even the theory that the Universe itself is merely metaphor with information in two dimensions and the Universe a three dimensional holographic projection into the so-called void. As regular readers will know this theory is one of many emanating  from cosmologists and quantum physicists trying to establish proofs of the provenance of the expanding universe!

So, you may ask, what has this to do with non-duality, our topic for today?

How shall we define non-duality? The simple answer is to take its opposite, Oneness. So why not just say Oneness then? What do we  mean by Oneness? In philosophy it points to that which may not be named ... God, Allah, Jehovah, and the other Creator Deities. Of course many philosophers don't subscribe to that notion. Take other religions like Buddhism, Daoism, Hinduism and so on; they certainly don't espouse atheism yet know deeply that there are worlds beyond the mundane. This deep knowing is intuition, which may be faulty, but often has more merit than book learning,  guru worship and the other tendencies for humans to follow leaders instead of working things out for themselves.

Try this. Literally "not two" but metaphorically a system to describe the world or worlds through opposites. Lao Tse in the Dao de Jing writes about it. Thus: Using complex language in many translations and ever more complex words seems to set Homo Sapiens apart from our evolutionary ancestors. From ugh, ooh, err and yuk comes War and Peace or the Bible eventually, if you subscribe to Charles Darwin's theory at least. Creationists beg to differ. Just to nod to the other languages homo sapiens developed, apart from words written or spoken; music, painting, mathematics, algebra and silence all help us comprehend our worlds. And a statistician at Brockwood Park some years ago pointed out the likelihood of the leap from the Apes to Homo Sapiens was close to zero.

Anyway, it's time to get this blog away, and it's well known that non-duality is a tricky customer,  what with Advaita Vedenta and other systems with gurus teaching follow my leader, whilst Krishnamurti said "Leaders destroy followers, followers destroy leaders", when denouncing The Order of the Star in 1924. Famous for his spirituality and teaching of the formless, including non-duality, he soon gathered followers who revered his message. It seems clear enough that it's the message that's pure, but not necessarily the messenger!

Thanks for reading dear followers ... tomorrow we examine The Thirst for Wisdom or Knowledge, but meanwhile this blog must go. Good night!

Monday, 24 January 2022

25.01.22 Tuesday Outing

After an earlier night an early morning to check messages and commence your January blog dear readers. There are indeed new messages, sent last night, and opened this morning. Elder daughter enquired about the source of interesting propaganda shared yesterday; Hexham Stand in the Park friend offers a visit; Utta, from Berlin, writes to reschedule her one week holiday at the end of January, to two weeks, arriving on April 9th at 10.30 p.m. Of course, the postponement was due to the games being played internationally as part of The Great Reset, but there's only so much individuals can do. Anyway, April is better for Utta's holiday, since the days are longer and the weather often balmy at that time.

Meanwhile, it's still dark outside as the morning blog begins, and as is known, the night may be o.k. for possibilities, but the hour before Dawn is when all is possible, including the proposed outing with Daisy and the friend from the village.

After breakfast it's still dark and the promised Sunny day turns out not just frosty but misty, which persists throughout the morning., leading to a decision to postpone the outing from morning to afternoon. As a light lunch is eaten, sure enough the Sun breaks through and Daisy and crew set off for the cashpoint outside the Co-op where the old blogger tops up the cash reserves with ten £20 notes. Objective one realised! From there we proceed to the Hardware Shop to drop the log bags accumulated over the recent period, which was objective two. Since Daisy had been promised a decent outing to exercise her, we observed brakes binding as a result of sitting round with the handbrake left on, so we sped out of the village in order to hold the foot on the footbrake and cure the binding. After less than an hour Daisy was home and the crew settled down indoors again, after an excellent outing ... the first since the diagnosis from the hospital of tiny blood clots in the lungs. Mission accomplished!

Now for the  meal and after the violent DVD about Elizabeth, not this one but the first Queen of England, Wales, Ireland and France ... but not Scotland!  That's history for you. In recent times they had a referendum and the Scots voted SNP, though it was close. England offered partial independence in return for an illusion of home rule and a possible second vote. Now then, the current monarch outlives the first Elizabeth, and Victoria, not mention George the third who outlived the first Elizabeth too.

After all the excitement and outings of Tuesday, what's happening tomorrow, Wednesday?  It's unsure but something will occur for sure, somewhere or other, even if your old blogger isn't living to see it! Still that thought is morbid and optimism is the key to contentment and good health.

Good night!

Sunday, 23 January 2022

24.01.22 Monday Musing

A lie in after the late night double bill plus finishing the Sunday blog post leaves your optimistic correspondent musing about the possibilities of a day with no fixed agenda or confirmed visitors, though the strong coffee is still de rigueur to spark the engine and warm water to hydrate the body. Given the current blood clot business there's the morning clot buster to swallow, then the potentised vitC to ingest before breakfast of porage and fruit. And a second strong coffee. To be accurate there is a visitor later, the friend from the village bringing supplies and company for a possible film show later, but first she has PiIates this morning then Philosophy on zoom early evening.

After breakfast is reading The  Yoga of Eating, musing in blessed silence, then a burst of energy to venture out back into the relatively cold air, filling a bag with coal to ensure sufficient for future fires in the multi-fuel burner, which makes January evenings cosy, though this January has been very mild so far compared to last year. More study follows, plus musing about lunch  ... mushrooms with an egg poached in them makes a fine light lunch! Since optimum nutrition is essential, but calorific requirements quite low, its best to listen the the best advice, which of course varies according to opinion.

After lunch a nap in the Sun by the window, then more chores to ensure surfaces are clear, objects washed and fire prepared for igniting in an  hour or two, options are open once more, so let's see shall we: U.K.Column News  on replay for an hour, or the laptop to decipher, maybe more reading? Or a bit of everything since the friend from the village arrives from zooming around 5.30.

Well, U.K. Column News was full of information,  as usual, reporting on the NHS staff demonstrating for freedom and drawing the attention of the Government to the unity between the vaccinated and those resisting, and the shortage of staff in the NHS, only to be worsened if these folks are banned from work as threatened.

The supper was tasty and the DVD was Monty Python and the Holy Grail, an hilarious spoof  on history in the Middle Ages.

Tomorrow, nothing much planned except a possible trip out as recovery proceeds and Daisy needs some exercise after sitting around all this time ... maybe top up the cash reserves too! The distributor of The Light invited your local distributor to Stanley at 5pm, but the phone was off and anyway it was rather early to venture out to collect newspapers ... besides there was supper to prepare when the philosopher friend returned fron zooming.

The forecast is fine again tomorrow, so let's see then ... Good Night!

Saturday, 22 January 2022

23.01.22 Freedom and Beyond

Today's existential question for a Sunday is this: Is one day, now and again sufficient to secure the Freedoms removed when Martial Law was declared in March of 2020? Or, to be more precise,  partial Freedom, since many lovers of so-called Democracy imagined that a vote every few years, with candidates mostly bought and paid for by commercial interests, i.e, corrupt, were delivering this magical concept called Democracy. Of course some politicians entered Parliament with honest intentions and slipped into corruption, whilst a small minority provided a veneer of the concept; however the power of the mass media, owned by cartels and other special interests like the good old BBC with its licence fee to protect, ensures Democracy remains the illusion it always was. Take Ancient Greece, for example, which gave Democracy its name. Universal Suffrage it wasn't, since Democracy in those days was for the higher classes, which didn't include women or other slaves!

It's now after lunch with Bill the philosopher and time to unravel the question of: Beyond Freedom  some more. It's basically as K suggested in yesterday's blog post. Our cage is where freedom is lost, no matter how large and comfy. Bill and your philosophic old blogger spent an hour so on these questions, then he had to leave to see his sister at Wideopen, about an hour and a half's drive on the other side of Newcastle. As it happens Bill chooses to live homeless, staying with one or other of his extended family or good friends with spare beds and always happy to host him.

The afternoon is for reading, mostly Charles Eisenstein's mystical book: The Yoga of Eating. It's in the Library of The Retreat House to be borrowed, or you can buy your own via Hive.

After supper it's film night again, this time a double bill. First up is Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, which employs their usual zany style and then it's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, a classic starirng Jack Nicholson in a mental institution. Dark humour for sure.

Tomorrow is Monday again, as we move remorselessly towards February  and it'll be Spring again and Findhorn by the sea. As for the blood clots, the thinners continue to do their work, as do supplements from elder daughter. And as Charles Eisenstein teaches in The Yoga of Eating, the fitness of the body needs an integrated approach: Heathy food, exercise, fresh air, pharmaceutical products if essential, and a healthy mind. A spiritual aspect also helps and good support from loving family and friends too. It follows that an optimistic attitude makes a massive difference to ones mental health, and booking Sunflower B&B in Findhorn Eco-village in March and paying the bill in full certainly demonstrates optimism.

Thanks for reading dear readers, that also lifts the spirits!

Good night!

Friday, 21 January 2022

22.02.22 World Freedom Day!

Freeedom is a concept worth exploring, as loyal readers of Wear & Dao will know well. The whole crazy adventure of setting off from Stanhope 7 years ago, free from clutter or anything which wouldn't fit in the battered old rucksack and setting off Southwards, since it was already November, staying a couple of days in the Krishnamurti Centre in Brockwood Park, conversing with other K types, and acknowledging the impulse for the journey was K's well known book: Freedom From the Known. Do read it for yourselves folks, though the title says it all. We are never truly Free, until we dare to explore worlds beyond those we already know.

So why on Earth does an old bloke go walkabout in winter with an old rucksack and old trousers, but the best shoes and walking socks he can trust to prevent the blisters which so many pilgrims suffer from. As the Buddhists say by the way: Pain is inevitable, suffering optional ... pointing to those pilgrims who think suffering is essential. Madness! You walk for a month to see other worlds, then wallow in suffering! The worlds such pilgrims see are surely not contentment or happiness, but misery and painful bloody blisters  ...

Back to World Freedom Day and reports arrive of demos in Newcastle, Belfast and London. People have had more than enough of pandemic madness and are rising up to demand Freedom's return... not that we really ever had true Freedom of course, endless wars for thousands of years confirmed K's view that our cages, however big and luxurious they may appear, must restrict our Freedoms. Funnily enough tonight's dvd was Victoria and Abdul, with Judi Dench playing a dying Queen Victoria, bemoaning her own gilded cage which trapped her, despite her massive power as Empress of India and other countries.

Well, I do hope you've enjoyed World Freedom Day today, wherever you are, dear readers. Tomorrow Bill comes for lunch around 12.30, and doubtless Krishnamurti will be a topic of discussion. Frankly, K influences your old pilgrim blogger more than Rudolf Steiner or Gurdjieff or Thay of Plum Village fame, recently passed, but many mystical teachers appear in The Retreat House Library ... for example five books of contemporary mystic Charles Eisenstein drop through the door, a bargain at £75 from Hive Books,  not Amazon ... whether the old blogger will ever read all these books is inconsequential since it's a Library!

Sunday tomorrow, hooray! The day of rest from the arduous task of creating the Earth in six days, and resting every Sunday  .. if you happen to be a proper literal Christian that is ... the philosophical blogger  currently doesn't support that view, but thinks all stories are metaphor, and we may create our own reality and here and now it appears the world of Peace is available. Who on Earth would choose violence ?!

Good night and peaceful dreams ...

Thursday, 20 January 2022

21.01.22 Friday Friends

Friday again then the weekend and friends to find in the virtual and physical worlds. Where would we be without friends? Family may also be friends of course, and that's delightful,  though it's not always so. This life, in its many phases has always been blessed with friends, family also, though when defining friends let's examine what precisely we mean. Take Facebook Friends for example. Some we may know well as real friends, others we never met. Frankly, real friends may be defined as: "A friend in need, is a friend indeed", an old truth perhaps, but still relevant. And it rhymes. Take the current personal crisis, temporary hopefully and a combination of family and friends, plus the NHS, have really stepped up what with friendly NHS staff and genuine friends visiting to support the blogging philosopher, which raises the spirits immensely. All these factors combine to bring optimism, energy and confidence to the game of survival. And if you think it's not a game, dear reader, please see William Shakespeare's insight that: All the world's a stage, and in his time man plays many parts etc. For his please include hers, naturally!

Still dark at 0555 on Friday 21st January, and the forecast is full Sun. .. an opportunity to wash and dry the dressing gown and other laundry before launching into action, gently, to see which if any friends may visit today, apart of course from the old friend from the village staying in the guest room, after enjoying soup and the film: All Is True, a great interpretation of William Shakespeare's later life in Stratford upon Avon. All the world's a stage alright!

After breakfast the friend drives to Frosterley to see if Mick wishes to visit The Retreat House, which indeed he does. Now Mick is a mutual friend and well known in Frosterley and Stanhope. He moved to Frosterley from South London 18 years ago, when he retired from a lifetime of crime, due to a shocking start. Now aged 82, he was born out of wedlock and adopted by a kind Christian couple who had no children of their own. The adopting Father was a brute and bullied Mick mercilessly to the age of 5, when his wife conceived. From that point he endured ritual beatings with a belt, buckle and all once a week on Friday, and any other time basically. Mick took up boxing and building his strength until at the age of 14 he warned the brute to back off or else. A complaint to the Authorities ensured entrance to an Approved School, the Borstal and finally adult prison. Seeing few options, he embarked on a life of crime and was in and out of prison for years.When I met him some years ago, I found a kind man and became friends. Now he's returning to London to marry his sweetheart soon, which is redemption.

A quiet afternoon was spent planning a trip to Findhorn in March over 5 days. That was the place visited many times over the years and many good friendships established, including the first trip for Experience Week. There are Facebook friends in Australia, Eire, Holland, Aberdeen and more still in contact. The evening was for another film, this time On Golden Pond, with Henry and Jane Fonda and Katherine Hepburn.

Tomorrow's Saturday, who knows who's visiting then, though Royal Mail promises to deliver 5 books by Charlet Eisenstein for the  library in The Retreat House. It also happens to be World Freedom Day in towns and cities internationally. Find your local one about midday, or just create a mind that's Free, and it is so ...

Good night!

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

20.01.22 Thursday Thinking

Good morning dear readers! It's always good to greet you with a cheerful demeanour, firstly to remind you that if you're actually reading this blog you must be awake and thinking. The term awake, of course, if you think about it, has paradoxical meanings. The past tense, Woke, infers all those folk thinking they know everything, often posiing as "left wing", when clearly the metaphorical eagle, soaring across the sky in search of prey, flies best with both wings working in harmony. Of course, in retrospect, defined as looking back in time, memories are often deceptive and carefully  edited to put the subject in the best light to impress friends and oneself indeed, since a healthy self-image is vital to mental health.

Now, once this self image, defined as a small self, or ego, individual self, the wonderful opportunity arises to transcend it and merge into Universal Self, which is Liberation. Yet to play the games human beings like to play demands Duality, how else could the humans communicate on the Earth Plane except with stories of who they were, are and wish to be?

Anyway, dear readers, enough Philosophy for now. It's almost lunchtime and time to focus attention on practical questions, like what to eat to best nourish the body and soul, which pretty much rules out processed shite, though it's said a little of what you fancy does you good, therefore some sweet, even processed, sweet delights is allowed to a Vague'un, just not so much that may cause acid reflux! As for this morning's indoor activities, apart from virtually communicating with friends and family, spreading a little dissension via FB etc. .. Hive Books is searched for the fascinating books of Charles Eisenstein, a copy of which arrived today to Elder Daughter in the Scottish Borders as a gift from her Dad. Now the the old blogging pseudo-philosopher known as her Father has ordered all Charles' published works via Hive, for the Library at the Retreat House near Stanhope, County Durham! Why not!

At lunch, Gillian messages to see if the blogger is free to receive a visitor, which indeed he is, since she is the Angel of Stanhope and reading the blog sometimes. We discuss philosophy, psychology and Life's deepest meanings, which energises the blogging philosopher immensely. Soon after she departs her friend and the close friend of the blogger, studying philosophy, arrives for supper and a film ... this time All Is True the story of Shakespeare, played by Kenneth Branagh and Judi Dench as Ann Hathaway, with Ian Mckellen as the Earl of Southampton. Beautifully played and well worth watching!

Now it's bedtime and time to think about Thursday Things ... Friday's another day seeking alliteration for F ... any ideas dear readers?

Goodnight, sleep well ...

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

19.01.22 Wednesday Wondering

An early night after the all action Angels and Demons Hollywood style chase through Vatican City in a desperate search for a baddy using anti-matter filched from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, an incredibly stupid scientific search for ever smaller particles to be found by subtly whizzing atomic particles around a 20 kilometre racetrack and smashing them together under the Alps, not far from Rome. The myth leading to Tom Hanks and other celebrity scientists tearing around Vatican City was the epithet coined by a famous physicist, maybe Peter Higgs whose name is remembered  for the Higgs Boson, which won him and others Nobel Prize, was The God Particle, and since the Roman Catholics still claim to be the One True Faith, the scene was set for the film.

Now, dear sceptical readers of Wear & Dao,  you'll note that deep philosophical enquiry on the many Caminos and before, revealed flaws in the story of Jesus Christ as represented by an old bloke claiming a hotline to God and dispensing bullshit for centuries ... Christ, embodying Peace and Love then Popes threatening any dissenters to their hegemony and support for War. Before the first Camino, on Retreat at Findhorn with a young guru called Jeff Foster, whose background as an astro-physicist impressed your blogger, led to an urge to question him as to the safety of CERN and their deluded search for ever smaller particles, when quantum physics clearly pointed to energy as paramount and particles blinking in and out of existence according to consciousness, either individual or universal, maybe a bit of both.As for what some call God, this concept can't logically be taken as a starting point for philosophy can it?

So there we are dear readers, Wednesday well past half-way to February, the shortest month, then March and often Easter, though that's  April this year,when Christ was crucified for heresy or something. Frankly folks, this sceptical pilgrim found Monty Python's Life of Brian more persuasive than Angels and Demons or Popes with hotlines to God, and since the film is in the Retreat House Library, maybe it's time to watch it again!

Back to today, the day of wondering whether visitors will come and if so who ... or whether it's a day of blessed silence for more reflection and wondering. For example how long the blood thinners will take to see off these little blood clots. Of course, the friend from the village stayed last night and is slumbering upstairs whilst this part of the blog is concocted. Anyway, she offers support and a peaceful demeanour, and is studying philosophy via Zoom, so it's all good. When she comes downstairs we'll see how long she plans to stay, but suffice to say there will be dialogue, which is energising,  and was raised a Roman Catholic so offers a new perspective, which is always helps.

Now it's nearly bedtime, and the old friend went off to  a prior meeting this morning and returned this afternoon, with supplies and stayed for supper and the film The Life of Brian, a timeless treat! Afterwards she went home since in the morning she visits her Mum and other family members at Jarrow, and plans to return early evening. Anyway, Thursday is a whole new day when all is possible, so lets see, shall we?

Here's your blog, dear readers ... I do hope you'll like it ... Goodnight!

18.01.22 Tuesday thinners ...

Good morning dear readers! It's another Sunny day in Stanhope, as I look out of the window at the Weardale Way going up the hill opposite The Retreat House. Not long now before these blood thinners dissolve the tiny blood clots in the lungs, and the blogging pilgrim will be straight up that hill preparing for the next Camino de Santiago de Compostela!

There are many ways to heal the human body from ailments and the NHS has varied approaches, as one might expect. If blood clots are spotted thinners follow, though not Warfarin on this occasion but a new drug, and supplements Marta sent and the Elder Daughter, need to be checked for adverse effects.

A good friend from the village arrives after lunch, with essential supplies like bananas and avocados from Crook Market. She stays to help with heavy lifting then reads a book relevant to her recent Zoom course on Philosophy which sounds fascinating and its likely more relevant books will be found in The Retreat House library as she works through the ten week course. Meanwhile, progress with the blood thinners is steady but slow; after all the course of thinners is three months, taking us to Spring!

Patience, they say, is a virtue. It's also the one of three treasures of the Dao, and the only one still a struggle for the old blogger always in a hurry ... there you go dear reader, that's Life School in action. Anyway, it's dark outside, Tina Turner's spiritual masterpiece is playing on the sound system, fire soon to be lit, supper prepared and maybe a suitable video played. Last night was Only Fools and Horses, an hilarious skit which was very popular 40 odd years ago. Tonight maybe Angels and Demons the follow up to the Da Vinci Code. Let's see!

Time to post for your information dear readers. Tuesday's coming to a close, tomorrow unknown.

Monday, 17 January 2022

17.01.22 Mid- Month Monday

It's seems Christmas and before that the Winter Solstice were a blink of an eye away, yet here we are, half-way through January (technically more, thank you dear pedantic reader) and one wonders where time flows? Or indeed in which direction? Being in philosophical mode after Sunday's dialogue with Bill, the question of linear time resurfaces. Long time blog readers will have heard this story many times before, but since it's hard to grasp, here it is again.

First, the contradictions. Many mystics through the ages spoke of The Present Moment, which infers no Past or Future, only Now. Logically, this means linear time is an convenient way for humans with average life spans of 70 years more or less to create this illusion, since clearly all these lives, or skin encased vehicles for Souls, is impossible to conceive. What do you think about it dear readers?

Anyway, that's enough philosophy for today, when Marta arrived to visit, and the two daughters, all an absolute delight and none interested in vaxing or mask wearing. The whole day, between Marta arriving and the daughters departing was so full of love, peace and joy that the old philosophical blogger introduced the latest theory about Worlds and how we may create better worlds with purely the power of intention ... and all three concurred that a world without war was definitely worth creating, so there it is dear readers. You choose your world, we choose ours ....

Bedtime now. Visitors tomorrow?  Possibilities only, none confirmed. Let's see what the morning brings shall we?


Sunday, 16 January 2022

16.01.22 Sunday Rest with Bill

As you may imagine dear reader, yesterday was full on reconciling contradictions at various levels, mostly personal, local and sub-regional. Of course this game is played at every level all the way through the national, super-national (e.g. EU, NATO, Australasia, etc), and the Global of course, where global corporations form their cartels, with the United Nations in support.

Sunday, of course, is a day to relax and stand back from the YinYang of Duality, and address our true Nature, which is spirituality, and who better than Bill to take us there? We spoke of things unseen and such esoteric exemplars of other worlds as Rudolf Steiner and Stuart Wilde, and subjects like astrology and numerology. The Age of Aquarius replaced the Piscean Age in control since Graeco-Roman times a while ago and the consequences unveil daily as the Dark Forces thrash about desperately trying to sustain their power ... such futility when the inevitable strains the  credulity of even supporters of Johnson and Biden, as the mainstream media chips away at the current regimes, trying to replace them with more acceptable fascist forms of pseudo-democracy,  not realising that new forms of government must replace those controlled by the Plutocrats who have strange notions of War without end and money far more important than Love.

St Michael holds sway as warrior for Peace and Love, and has for the many decades of the changeover of Star Signs.

Bill departed soon after lunch and these discussions, now the old blogger is listening to seer Leonard Cohen for inspiration, prior to soup and a film ... maybe The Wickerman?

Tomorrow Marta and the two Daughters arrive for lunch, with food and inspiration ... and Bill says a Full Moon, certain to be propitious for something or other ... who knows? I'm still learning about this stuff to be honest, and anyone claiming to know it all is probably crazy.

That's it for today dear readers, as the clot busters go into action and sort this breathlessness issue out once and for all.

Saturday, 15 January 2022

15.01.22 Saturday Reconciliation

Where to start dear readers? Yesterday's brief post turned out incomplete, though the day's summary indeed covered the local NHS Surgery's decisive and compassionate intervention, frankly what the alternative health team had been urging for weeks, while a rather stubborn old blogger declined and rather enjoyed all the attention from the Hexham Tribe, as he laboured with breathing and reported daily to the radical expert Nurse with pulse and O2 saturation numbers.
Now eager readers will note that today is Sunday, normally A Stand in the Park day at Sele Park, Hexham, though missed for three weeks due to the breathing crisis. Nevertheless, Saturday's post goes a day late, due to the high intensity and lengthy very early start and fascinating outing to Durham Hospital, yet to be related.

Following Friday's summary of the local NHS in action, your old blogger went to bed with thoughts of lunch with Jacqui and Jill from the Hexham Tribe, and slept deeply for a few hours, then drifted into reverie, which is defined here as resting dreaming. Into this space, around 3am came two young men in black combat uniforms with compassionate smiles standing by the bed in which I was dreaming. Now, fortunately the door of the Retreat House is not locked, since the two young men were not in a dream but quickly identified themselves as the night shift of the Emergency Ambulance, waiting to whisk your sleepy old blogger off to the hospital in Durham, due to the serious concern of the local surgery about the blood extracted from a vein earlier on Friday, since examined. A swift decision to travel was taken, and so began the story of the NHS in action in Durham University Hospital, know locally as Dryburn, now to be described.

The Emergency Ambulance is rather like a micro-surgery inside, with high tech gadgets and procedures to be followed. The outside has floodlights bathing the Retreat House and next door in bright light to enable night shift staff to see clearly when loading poorly folks in the side or back depending on the ambulatory condition of the patient. Being a walking patient the old blogger is a side loader and is given a bed with the back up and seat belts as Michael the driver sets off  and Nick acting as the Paramedic sets to work with oxygen up the nose and blood pressure monitored along the 40 minute drive to Durham, without blue lights or sirens.

At Dryburn the team put the patient in a wheelchair and push him in to await the Triage Team to decide where he goes next, while they disappear to the next job. Now the system limps into action as priorities are quickly established and those not on death's door have a screen at which to gaze with helpful information about the patient's estimated time from arrival to Triage to Doctor, basically God, who decides on the diagnosis and proposed course of action. First to note that the hospital has WiFi and Michael and Nick had advised a charger to go with the comms devices, which proved most useful, since Triage was estimated at an hour, reduced later to 30 minutes, whilst the Doctor was estimated at 8 hours which did not reduce throughout the day and turned out quite accurate, after the very early start of the clock in A&E at 4am ish and departure with proposed solution about 1.30pm.

Throughout the wait, especially between Triage and Doctor, there was frequent communication with Daughters  and others concerned to stay updated, including Jacqui and Jill who were fairly swiftly advised that lunch was off the menu, and the good friend from Stanhope, retired NHS Nurse and blog reader, who'd strongly disagreed with the stubborn patient about keeping away from the Surgery and hospital intervention and leapt into action on hearing of the events of Friday to offer Patient Transport in her car, since it's well known that the Emergency Ambulances work fast and the Patient Transport system not so much. Herein lies a main element of the theme of Reconciliation of Saturday, at the personal level, while the stubborn old blogger's acceptance of the expertise and advice of the NHS folks was Reconciliation at local and sub-regional level. It felt rather like a New Normal, as explained by dear old Professor Klaus Schwab in The Great Reset. The percentages of those risking adverse reactions to the bio-weapons having about peaked, thanks to the efforts of the NHS and equivalent official health organisations in the vaccination drive thus far, and a critical point is close by, where worlds are in balance again, of which Bill and the old blogging philosopher may speak later.

Just for detail of the diagnosis and proposed course of treatment: Doctor Pete, having surveyed the lungs via traditional xray plus CAT scan with colleagues and the Patient Patient there were found unexplained tiny clots floating merrily causing breathlessness and coughing, which had causes, not entirely clear, and a solution, agreed with the patient to prescribe blood thinners to dissolve the little blighters and restore the old blogger to the optimal health expected for a 71 year old, previously fit and healthy, and maybe restore the 80+ years predicted by the Gypsy in Newcastle in 2020 and even a full Camino or two before bidding the creaky body farewell.

Thanks for reading dear readers, it's much appreciated, and there are more details of yesterday's adventures at Dryburn to come .......

Friday, 14 January 2022

14.01.22 Friday and Lee

Another sunny day in Stanhope, and remarkably mild again. Just the kind of day for a pleasant walk in the hills, but that's life at 70+ for you! Still, there's no point complaining, and frankly this old blogger has had a good run up to now. Who knows what the future will bring or indeed when the end of this Life will arrive and how? Clearly this old blogging philosopher has created a blessed life, especially in these latter years, when an amazing succession of visitors come to check on the old bloke, which is gratifying to say the least. Today it's Lee, a very busy mother of four and organiser of Resistance activity, still finding an hour or so to call over from Hexham.

Just to get this sent off, after a very busy day, this is brief. Basically Lyne came with Lee and Martin and decided we'd contact the surgery, just to be safe. The NHS went I to action and we had a Paramedic then a Doctor, next a Nurse to check the bloods, and later the Paramedic to do the EEG.
The Doctor said to stop the Oxygen Therapy and try to book an xray and Patient Transport for Friday. So, you see, dear readers, things are looking up, and the Doctor says it may not be Respiratory Infection after all and with luck  a nebuliser will be sufficient. Of course, the smoking was the basic cause of this problem. We'll find out on Friday!

Tomorrow Jacqi and Jill are coming for lunch.

Goodnight dear readers.

Thursday, 13 January 2022

13.01.22 Thursday Methodist and Buddhist visitors

A sunny day in Stanhope and two friends who've not yet met are expected today. Like a corny old joke the first is a Methodist and the Angel of Stanhope, the second a would-be Buddist from A Stand in the Park at Hexham.

Well, well that was quite a meeting and I've only just sat down to tea. Rather late, partly because the VitC sachets require an hour befoe eating ... and after the lunch with Dave the appetite is not great. That's roast veg and humous by the way - he's a vegan. Gillian stayed talking with Dave a good while, exchanging views of a philosphical nature and both agreed that in essence all religions are one, though hypocrisy is so rife in Christian, Jewish and Muslim countries, basically the United Kingdom these days, that the message of Christ, Moses and Mohammed the Beloved Prophet of Allah is lost. In the East Buddhists have similar issues, where Buddhism is a religion of the State. More hypocrisy, take Myanmar for example.

So, Gillian departed and Dave and I enjoyed our meal. And Gillian had left Christmas cake like a provocation for an old blogger with a sugar addiction and bravely, dear readers, I insisted Dave take it as a gift for his family. After having a small piece for dessert. After lunch Dave helped with some tasks not easily done in the current state and then we discussed deep issues of a philosphical nature for quite a while. Then couriers arrived, two packages for Sharon at no.2 and one from the elder daughter, containing the supplements she'd ordered yesterday! Meanwhile, younger daughter advised that the cordless, bagless light weight hoover she'd ordered in the January sales, was due tomorrow, meaning either two cleaners, one up one down, or more likely find a good home for Henry which has bags and a cord.

Now it's late and time for bed, wondering if Lee will visit, since she indicated Friday or Saturday.
Anyway, there are plenty of books to read, blogs to write and U.K. Column News livestream at 1pm!  The  health issue meanwhile gradually improves,  thanks to the home oxygenation machine and the love of the visitors. Of course, in the end, all these interventions are merely to boost the Immune System in the end, hence the supplements.

Good night! 

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

12.01.22 Wednesday reflections

Things are on the up here at The Retreat House, after the amazing Tuesday with the beautiful daughters. Firstly, clearly the visit had energised me no end, and the stairs seemed easier and I felt less breathless. Then thoughts of Spring emerged as both girls intended to have a room for the old blogger to stay in by that time, which really makes the exploring of Newcastle and Duns and the coast more enriching. Then a FB debate with an old school friend, who emigrated to Australia years ago and made a pile of money, breaks out as we virtually discuss the merits of our respective positions on masks and vaccines. As it happens we disagree, but we do agree a friendship so long will not be compromised by a difference of opinion. Rick regularly visits Dorset, and we've spoken about catching up many times, but it never happened. This time they've purchased a fine cottage in West Dorset, with plenty of space for guests. Yes, this Spring that could well be his old blogging friend, ever the trouble- maker as he so kindly puts it! So, Spring is pregnant with possibility, as the Equinox brings the light and warmth needed by these places, as we shake off the lethargy of winter, which so far has been very mild after last year's persistent snow. Though, of course there's plenty of time for snow hereabouts, being the North Pennines.

Meanwhile more reflections and practical actions after yesterday's visit and before: The special vitC ordered in bulk from Planet Organic,  is due midday today, plus wood ordered by elder daughter yesterday sometime this afternoon. All of which in the middle of U.K. Column News  at 1pm, but that's life sometimes. A tragic literary event ocuured this morning, when My Family and Other Animals is finished ... such a wonderful book and a classic of life in Corfu, whilst the other classic still going Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance continues to educate and inform. Fortunately there are other books, including great novels to read to pass the time while the chest infection passes as the Immune System is weaned from the home oxygenation machine, sometime soon and normal life may resume, not least with visits to the daughters and the old school friend. The way to peace, as readers must know by now is never to talk about it but live and breathe it as if it's already there. Positivity makes all the difference, not to physical immortality, but to the Soul which continues eternally ... maybe!

As lunchtime approaches, the fridge is investigated for meals and ingredients brought by the two daughters. Yesterday's Crab Salad was delicious, with spinach and scrambled eggs. Elder daughter being on a Keto regime, so here we go ... after the crab, today's lunch is to be cod and the rest of the spinach, whilst the Cullein Skink needs eating tomorrow lunch time perhaps? Soup left over from younger daughter's creation we ate yesterday for lunch may do for tonight, with an egg.Younger daughter being a baker of high standard meant tempting ginger cake with proper custard yesterday lunchtime, and a sneaky portion last evening with ice cream, which was fine, until the taste buds demanded a home-made chocolate cookie, then the other one, a usual trap, leaving some indigestion at night. .. again! Other reflections, rather banal, are the weather forecast and football results. The forecast today was light cloud and indeed there was no rain, but Sun emerged throughout the day nevertheless. Now football results are hardly the stuff of philosophy, but anyway this ex-Southampton supporter keeps an eye on their results, as well as the team local to me when I lived with the daughters and their Mother, and even went to St James' Park for the game sometimes. I suppose in the world of duality and samsara, where your blogger currently plays the game of Life, nothing is too mundane to illustrate the non-dual philosophy. Tomorrow Dave comes to visit for lunch. He's a Buddist in training, so he'll not be sort of books to borrow or dialogue with one who more or less identified as  Buddhist, before Dao, K and the formless appeared. The Camino reinforced this position and that's more or less the position today.

So, that's Wednesday on the way, just the fire to set, supper to cook and a shower before food. The wood delivery is still awaited but there's still plenty, and as for supper maybe the soup from yesterday's lunch. And no dessert.

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

11.01.22 Tuesday family time

Having slept soundly, dreamt deeply of various things forgotten already, though the slight indigestion reminds me, yet again, to beware of too much dessert before bed. That's Life School for you, the lessons keep repeating as long as the causes of problems are not addressed! Of course, waking surely occurred of which this old blogger was quite confident, having integrated this current crisis into awareness that, whilst bodily death is not feared, somehow the time is not now. Checking the functioning of the body/mind hosting the soul, no pain or suffering is found whatsoever, and frankly the main concern is allowing the outpouring of love from friends and family in case of a return of the little egoic self, previously kept safely in its place!  Cognition operates, sight, sound, smell and mobility, albeit limited by the current clogging of the upper respiratory tubes,  enable reading, writing, thinking, not thinking, cooking and pretty much everything, even climbing the stairs slowly. If you wanted a Winter Retreat, you could surely do worse, and the visits of kind friends with food and love, to a Retreat House well equipped with Library and other essentials are special. The long planned downstairs toilet and shower may have been helpful,  but there you go, maybe the slow walking upstairs helps the recovery, who knows?

Today is for family, not a topic much considered frankly, over the years, though digging deeply into the psyche in order to "know thyself" better revealed plenty of material with which to work, notably on Camino. Such activity may appear solipsistic but as psychologists like Jung point out, if we don't address the shadow side of our self we can't know who we truly are .... All this is in the blog, so do read back if you're at all interested dear reader, meanwhile family arrive for lunch, the two daughters who despite their errant Father and the divorce from their quite capable Mother, turned out well rounded young women now in their early thirties, taking the time from busy lives to visit their old Dad. More on this after the visit, but suffice to say that despite a large extended family, this neglectful old blogger only focused on these two, and the sisters' birthdays and Christmases mostly, the nieces and nephews  hardly at all. Elder brother died young in Australia.However, as far as I know, we never actually fell out, which is an achievement of sorts, if you look around and talk to friends about their own family constellations.

Now the daughters have departed, after working like Trojans cleaning the place up and still having plenty of time to discuss Life and its meanings. Such wonderful children now young women, still good friends despite their different paths ... of course it's natural for a Father to dote on his daughters, so dote I do, who wouldn't be grateful for such loyal, lovely girls in his dotage after all?
Now they've departed it's time to crack on and light the fire the elder daughter laid, and think about the evening meal made with good ingredients brought by the girls, and as for philosophy or politics neither have any intention of accepting jabs in arms, which is reassuring indeed.

Tomorrow? Who knows who might drop in or no-one ? The Retreat House is clean and tidy, well stocked with food and firewood and other essentials, and most of all the memories of a lovely day on a sunny day in Stanhope ...

Sunday, 9 January 2022

10.01.22 Monday and Marta

After yesterday's visit from Jacqui and Bill,  today it's Marta again, bringing Polish food and cheerful company. Plus potentised vitC, since she doesn't rate the commercial versions. Marta came to England some time ago, married a Yorkshireman and had two boys, now at school. Her English is impeccable and her auburn hair suggests a fiery temperament,  so you can imagine that pair bringing up two boys in the Northeast of England. Let's just say both have Polish names and learn that language too, which is how it should be, of course. Lunch was delicious and the potentised vitC sachet interesting to say the least. The recommended way to take it orally was in a shot glass with milk, and since the slimy substance was not soluble, had to be swallowed in one go, twice a day half an hour before eating.

After she'd left it was a perfect time for U.K. Column News on livestream and after that a chance to order 4 more boxes, since the health benefits are so good, especially against infection. Then, just as I was planning to light the fire, Mack arrived, having read the blog and concerned about my health. Mack has his own issues, his brother having died last week and he spoke of his plans for the funeral commemorations later this week, in the Highlands of Scotland where he hailed from before joining the Royal Navy aged 15, and floating about the world years afterwards. His deceased brother also joined the Navy, but not successfully but nevertheless Mack's plan was to take the model ship his brother had built , fit it out with a small engine and fireworks, and watch it going out to sea and explode in a flash of fireworks. Now that's what you call a great tribute for a Navy man!

Tomorrow the daughters come, which is very exciting, and though the breathing problem is still not great going up stairs, the numbers on the oxygen saturation levels device are up in the high nineties, after relaxing and breathing the oxygen, which is progress for sure!

Time for reading and preparing supper since it's nearly an hour since the vitC,  then bed again to sleep, perchance to dream ... and with luck wake up in the morning .... Let's see!

9.01.22 Sunday best

A week on from the New Year and foks settle down after all the excitement of the holiday season. As described by a dear friend in the village, whose Mother passed before Christmas last year, leaving her husband grieving through the season, it can be a time of extremes - happy, happy, happy ... sadly reflecting on all the Christmases of the previous 80 years ... and that's how life can be processed. As it happens my friend's Father is staunch and not one for expressing emotions, though whether or not that's a good thing is for you to decide. My dear friend is just grateful to see January slowly approaching February, the light lasting longer each day, the Spring Equinox not so far away and on we go.

So, dear reader, what's the point of it all? Sunday, the day of rest, when we wear our Sunday best, is a day for reflection or used to be anyway. As regular readers will know, many humans confused by the complexities of the post-Christian era, falling into the grip of atheism as an extreme reaction ... known as throwing out the baby with the dirty bathwater ... instead have their souls kidnapped by the Luciferian crew, led by the fallen angel who brought the Light down to Earth, only to cast shadows in which the demons lurk. Of course, there's a psychological explanation for this metaphorical story and many messengers have visited from higher realms through the ages to teach us the nature of the trap and the ways out, back to the Light. You've heard this many times, dear readers, but let's face it, no-one is forcing you to read it, and since it keeps this old blogger amused to keep up with the studies, ponder the implications, discuss with like minded friends, like Bill and Jacqui today, and see where the worlds are heading, what's the harm? A neighbour at the end of the terrace, for example, was once a vicar, lost his Faith, declared himself atheist, and only recently returned to a new way to worship his God.

A brief flashback pops up from deep in the memory banks from the last time this old blogger had a health alert ... in fact he was so young he hardly recalls it. There were four of us at home then, all quite young. Mum was up to her neck in children when the third one was struck by a mystery disease, and the first memory is the siren of the ambulance taking me the 10 miles or so to Bournemouth General Hospital. After that, nothing much, except the odd visit from Mum when Dad could get away from his work, and the daily visits of Auntie Ivy, who worked in Bournemouth and visited every lunchtime. The story later told was that the medics had no idea of the cause and told Mum and Dad to prepare for the worst outcome, which was worrying for them, but not me, since no one told me I might die so young. There you go then, about 70 years sandwiched by two health scares! The filling has bee amazing of course, and who knows the timing of the last slice? The gypsy said a long life of at least 80, maybe into the 90s,  but that's all conjecture ... meanwhile, let's enjoy this chapter to the full and not worry about this brief skirmish with death ... worry never helped anything, after all, did it?

And so Jacqui and Bill depart not long before dark. She spent most of the time cooking and clearing, while the two men discussed Life and its meanings. Rather stereotypical you might think, but she was cheerful and declined assistance, while we talked seriously, albeit with humour, about the psychic nature of these health attacks and ways to address them. More family pile in to the fray, including my nephew Graham, so correspondence with him was exchanged this morning and just now, when the light fades, curtains need closing, log burners firing up and you, dear readers get to consider how all this cosmic crisis is panning out.

Tomorrow Marta, Tuesday the daughters, after that? Who knows?

Time to shower before a small snack and bed ...

Friday, 7 January 2022

8.01.22 Saturday fallout

One week on from New Years Day, and life eases us gracefully towards the Spring Equinox, helped by fair weather after the snow. Bill is very interested in the significance of celestial events, horoscopes, planetary alignments and so many fascinating ways to interpret the world we humans live in.Or to be more accurate worlds, because we both see the world of samsara as an illusion and the Luciferian game being played heading towards its inevitable demise as the conditions for peace and love in new worlds ripen, the players on the dark side expose their demonic intentions for all with eyes open to see. One of the big problems  modern psychology shows is that seeing is not just a function of the eyes, but the brain processing the incoming signals through already conditioned minds. It appears that the smarter folks think they are the harder it is to persuade them to change their view, but what can you do with such people? Certainly to push old friends and family into corners is hardly the way for compassionate folks to behave, is it? Perhaps, to be even handed and truly compassionate, one should concede that their view is genuinely and sincerely held, their view correct, ours not and move on?

This brings us to the fallout from yesterday's blog post, which you may recall described the health issue of the blogger, writing this Saturday report to reassure any worried family believing me to be dead that I'm still very much alive and energised by the need yesterday to reassure them that news of my supposed passing was premature. Younger sister in France set things away, after reading yesterday's blog and launched into action to alert other family members, including the two daughters blissfully unaware of any problems, since there was no reason to worry them. Explaining to these two on FB Messenger was straightforward enough, since they know the ways of their father and concur with the views about what's safe in health matters, including the serious doubts about Big Pharma and the wisdom of taking the jabs. They don't do it. On the plus side an invitation to Newcastle on Tuesday to see the daughters is received this morning, which is nice. And through the afternoon it's decided by the two of them that the elder will collect the younger and bring both to Stanhope, which certainly eases things at this end.

Tomorrow Jacqui and Bill come for lunch, Monday Marta again, this time with potentised vitC,  Tuesday the daughters, so today's day without visitors has really slowed things down, which is good. A new book arrives from Hive: Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard, an old classic from decades back, pointing out that reading and speaking are minimally important in understanding the worlds, whilst the emotions engaged speak Truth from the heart.

Time for supper!

Friday 7.01.2022

Friday again in the the year 2022, which seems remarkable for one born in the previous century, halfway through in fact, still hanging about with the other baby boomers, getting in the way of progress, demanding Pensions, Bus Passes, power over the youngsters trying to make progress, with votes for candidates mostly corrupt and as old as us! Then there's the super-rich doing the bribing, of course, all in the same clubs. ... owning the mass media too, to ensure the masses stay on message. What a mess we're leaving for our children to clean up ....

Yesterday's heavy snow forecast was rather exaggerated and Jill and Terry arrived in the morning with home made soup and lemon drizzle cake,  which we shared, as Terry set to work fitting the oxygen feed into my nostrils comfortably, so we could send the readings to Lyne. Of course this was also a chance for some one-to-one time with Jill and Terry from the Garden Station half an hour's drive over Rookhope and Allenheads to Langley Station, now used as a venue for all sorts of events.

Today Bill arrives for Soup at 2, that will be great -  a chance to catch up on philosophy and things spiritual with someone I just met about 6 months ago at the Stand in the Park in Hexham and he, like me, has been there each Sunday before 10, more or less, and often afterwards for coffee and philosophy a subject in which Bill has interested himself for years.This post of Friday 7.1.22 can wait for update after Bill's been, but since it's only 11.30am at time of writing this, best fill in a few details of today so far -  briefly. Well, a good night's sleep was enjoyed, with occasional coughing, then a late morning out of bed for coffee about 7.30. Some communication with Lyne regarding yesterday's results from the oxygen raised concern with her and she suggested a visit to the GP at the Surgery, which is rather tricky, of course, after my refusal to accept so-called vaccinations or even wear masks. Call me stubborn if you like, but I've always been that way! Besides, being Friday the chances of seeing a Doctor today are slim, and by the time Bill's been slimmer still. Of course, all this leads to the Hospital, and I really don't wish to go there! Let's wait and see, shall we?

Whilst waiting for Bill at 2, the plan was to catch the U.K.Column News at 1pm,  so at 12.45 there's plenty of time to write these words for you, dear readers ... you may have noticed the new style of presenting this stuff, in segments stitched together in a confusion of tenses. Still, the editor can edit it or critique it, the style is not unknown after all! An old book, meanwhile, amuses your old blogger and baby boomers may well remember it - My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell, younger brother of Lawrence, the author of Lawrence of Arabia! A proper literary family ...

And so Bill has left and it's time to post for you, dear readers. He came early, so U.K.Column News must wait for later. The dialogue was very helpful on Spiritual questions, as always, and he went having enjoyed the Soup and lemon drizzle cake from Jill and Terry yesterday and plans to return Sunday with Jacqui.  Time to set the fire before showering and supper ... and posting the latest for you, dear readers!

Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Time slipping

Time, as is known, is relative, and yesterday a whole day slipped away, as any observant reader will have noted in the blog posted to clarify 2 and managing to confuse things by referring to yesterday as today! Sorry for that, but the good news is that Thursday is back with its own possibilities, including a promised visit from Jacqui, rather unlikely now given the forecast for heavy snow.

But first Marta! What a wonderful day we had together, in the time between she dropped her two boys to school and collected them. Another bright day with Sun warm through the window and indeed outside as she drove me into the village for essential supplies, Such deep conversations on all sorts of topics, not least Krisnamurti and other great teachers. Psychology was there with references to Gabor Mate, Hungarian export based in Canada, teaching about trauma in families. Book recommendations were exchanged and the delicious lunch she made shared, before she departed promising to return next week with highly potent vitC to boost the immune system further.

Frankly dear readers, this minor medical crisis has brought out so much loving attention, in visits and virtually, that the small egoic construct previously more or less in balance, is in danger of spinning out of control! In Life School this is seen clearly as merely another lesson on the never ending journey. Hopefully noting it and sharing it with you, fellow travellers on the Life School pathless path, will correct the error and enable this entity to move on to the next lesson.Anyway, it finally flushes out the editor who edits not, but does offer critiques from time to time, which is vital to a writer with big ideas to share. I mean it's fine to be considered crazy, but the rantings of a single madman are one thing, a considered response from a critical friend something else entirely. The editor, as it happens, writes excellent prose, and is welcome to post his critiques on here, as he knows. He's still in Darlington enjoying food and company with his dear friend, whilst his French house in rural France has a rest, so maybe he'll visit again one day.

So, today, Thursday 6th Jauary, as pennies are dropping all over the world and the Luciferian plot falls apart as more and more people decline to play their dirty games. That's all it takes folks, the derision of the masses at the antics of the plutocrats and the honest inspection of evidence presented by honest experts, not corrupted by ambition and money from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and friends. Reiner Fuelmich is already presenting the evidence for the Nuremberg 2 trials, though whether or not the BBC televises it is dubious. Their chiefs may well be in the dock themselves!

2022 is starting well, snow is covering the ground to beautify the fells further. On such days in normal times this old wandering blogger would be togging up warm and heading for the hills.  Do I feel sad? Cheated by the health condition? Well, for one thing that's temporary anyway, but anyway, as any reader can advise me: To wish for what cannot be is a special form of madness!

Early this morning yesterday's U.K. Column News was on replay for an hour - a most reliable and well researched source of information into what's going on. Today outside it would be getting light if it were not for the snow blocking the Sun, so it's a day for keeping warm inside, reading, writing, thinking, not thinking and slowly recovering full fitness for excursions outside in the wonderful countryside called home, Weardale.

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Clarification of 2

The New Year of 2s and zeros, 2022, is  getting into its stride with new terms in schools, in secondary cases anyway, ramping up the attempts to coerce students into taking injections in arms, which sounds like child abuse, but hey! that's nothing new.Keeping young people inside on sunny days listening to a teacher trying to persuade them they know their subject experientially and not just theoretically has always been a challenge to a young person with a quizzical mind.  So, when the madness continues in 2022 and clear blue skies and Sun shines outside, what else do you expect? Yes, some revolting students, that's what!

Back to the 2s before pressing on with today, Thursday 6th, another Sunny day forecast, more mayhem in schools. From local feedback I can tell you of at least one 15 year old boy at war with his teachers, and staff planning a mass sickness tomorrow in response. Whatever next! The 2s in Numerology by the way, refer to Angelic Presence for those blessed with the gift of seeing such stuff as synchronicity, and many years ago in Newcastle upon Tyne your open minded blogger met Susie who read Angel Cards and did so for yours truly. The Angel offered was Michael the Archangel, which seemed overgenerous at the time, still does. So that's the 2s, please excuse the wandering zero after the second 2 and between the first denoting the day of the week. Confused yet? Excellent, let's move on!

Still dark outside as I tap this blog out on the Tablet, ready for publishing later by Google, virtually, and if that's not magic I don't know what is! As a boy of ten, shall we say, as your old blogger was considering his options for secondary school, you were lucky to receive a new pen and paper, an envelope and postage stamp, in order to send your short story to a grown up organisation to consider for publication in a magazine for children's stories, with prizes for the winners. That was never me by the way, but hey! You've gotta be in it to win it, and I wasn't, but when the 11+ Exam came round I did pass that, mainly on the strength of the short story in English I wrote, since my maths was never good.

Last year, as the Repression was biting, demonstrating in London was done by thousands, including yours truly, though the censored mass media reported a few trouble makers in Whitehall and outside the BBC. Demos were springing up all over, often ignored by the media, including Newcastle and other methods of dissent emerged from Australia: A Stand in the Park. A brilliant concept, non-violence, non-compliance, in municipal parks all over. Frankly, an idea of its time, and yours truly went over the hill almost every Sunday morning to meet a whole new bunch of trouble makers discussing the situation openly, shaking hands and hugging as if that was normal! And we accept this shite? Have we lost our minds? Any vestige of common sense seems to have followed the Fear out of the door. along with love of money and fear of death.

This Hexham Tribe contains many folks with deep knowledge of Health, from a perspective quite radically different to the allopathic version hijacked by the NHS over the years.That's what they brought over to The Retreat House near Stanhope when the old blogger started coughing and showed symptoms of disease of the upper respiratory tubes last Sunday, with Bill, who'd promised to visit after The Stand in the Park if I didn't appear. Lyne plus Lee and Martin with Soup love and wisdom! Along with suggested treatments, each succeeding day a new tribe member arrived, which was as wonderful as unexpected. Today it's Marta, a beautiful Polish mother of two young boys, bringing good food to nourish the patient, and that means likely a home made Polish dish ... hmm salivating already!

Well, dear readers, outside it's light now and this old blogger is publishing today's update for any readers still reading! Enjoy this day, as will I ... you never know after all ...

Saturday, 1 January 2022


As almost New Year and returns to work and school will inevitably produce  more folks extending the Holiday Season to avoid dribbling the short, but desperate February coming in a month. Avid readers please note: If you've not absorbed the basic  point of all this stuff, which is to 'Look on the Bright Side" of the Life you chose this time, or move on to the next still miserable!

First, numerology. That's the first linguistic device in this blog post, after all. Now, if you employ numbers, say Sums,  or full stops in this case, you can often avoid full stops without being criticised too much! Though do note more advanced forms of Maths need numbers in many forms, including  squared, Algebra and so on. Plus twos and zeros. Though those wishing to criticise you may not like you of course, possibly the Maths Teacher who really wanted to be a Mathematician. Bringing us back to the miserable, failed Mathematician!

Now, let's look at Philosophy or rather Philosopher, as defined by experts with that tricky task. I met a few who were excellen and happy to teach me their subject free if I'd not signed up for their courses. Clearly, this is one where you don't need to pass exams, though if you want a Degree or two you do. Tricky for a lazy old bloke by one who just wanted to sit around and think! At this point please note the term Philosopher in no way infers we humans don't teach and learn wisdom with each one we encounter, and that's before we move on to other aspects of Nature, our true home. A brief biography of the blogger should suffice to show a male of the species, born the second son,  third child, of four, in a Cottage Hospital in the countryside just outside Fordingbridge, Hampshire, on the edge of The New Forest of England. Health Planners then understood the process was rarely an emergency and far safer kept away from ill people in the the City with all their disease, when competetent nurses could cope and maybe one doctor, and if it really went blue light, an embulance was only ten minutes away. It's said in quiet times the crew called over anyway, for a cup of tea and to chat up the nurses. Of course, other species don't have hospitals and many mothers always preferred home birth to be closer to the Nature they came from, but civilised folks soon learnt to rely on experts with white coats and degrees! Progress?!

Moving swiftly to where this idyllic childhood led in the life lived in its various stages, let's just say by the age of 60 around the same number of jobs as years lived were performed and when the State Pension arrived, age 65, the full amount was promised in my Bank Account, plenty for this old itinerant without bills, plus the Local Government one and all the perks like Free Bus Travel. When putting into the calculation school, Teacher Training at a third class college willing to teach me to teach pupils how to play sport and and read English, plus other subjects at far lower level, you can see how life floated on, a rural idyll ... !

London was next. Briefly teaching children, but it never suited me or them, so the next job was Adventure Playgrounds, which did. From there to a Playbus on a community project in a licensed squat and then a trainee Bus Driver with London Transport. Between two brief  breaks this job was the record at 12 years. Of course a 4 year stint organising the TWGU local branch was elected by the members and paid by LT as a bribe to keep the full-timers happy, so that meant the bosses paying the  trouble makers to stir up the workers. Strange! That was fun for a Red, determined to overthrow Capitalism in favour of Communism, as proposed by Marx and Engels in Capital, and by 1970 there were plenty of Parties contending for members in order to unite the workers. If this seems weird, dear reader, The Life of Brian's the film for you! It sure sorted out Christians and Communists with a sense of humour anyway.

Though the Marxist Theory was plausible, in practice it failed, as happens. By now the first daughter was waiting to emerge  and the parents decided London was not a place they wanted for a child to grow up, so she was born in London and raised in Newcastle, where her Mum and Dad had extended family.  Second daughter appeared two years and a half later, and the family was complete! When the daughters emerged, the diferencences between their parents became crystal clear, which happens. We both fell in love with the girls, and they knew it, but the Mother was sure it would be better to go it alone, with the Father close for by for babysitting purposes, which was tried for six months, but it was so disturbing he flipped and returned to his Mum, to support her in the family home when his Dad died, That was the pretext to protect the girls at least, and assurances were given that they  would have regular access either in the North-East or near Grandma. This indeed happened until they were teenagers, when frequency reduced somewhat, since teenagers have their own friends to share. Sometime later, when a job was found in County Durham, it was certainly quicker for driving, but not necessarily desirable for various reasons for weekends or more. Hey Ho! That's Life. We were lucky still be in regular contact and still are now they are in their thirties . Many aren't, and their stepmother in Hampshire is one.

Well, dear patient readers, that's it for 2.2222  today and sorry for the tardiness. You may have noticed it's already 3.2222, which won't work in Numeroloy, but plenty's been going on in Stanhope anyway.

More blogging tomorrow, the 4th of January, when Mick the Hat returns from London!