Here it is at last, after a very mild month with sufficient Sun to activate the solar panels and warm the water in the tank. Two storms in quick succession bring down trees and produce debris enough to cut off the electricity supply, including here. This Retreat House has been a blessing indeed in its few years since the funds from a family trust landed in the bank account, creating an existential challenge for the free living blogger. Who could have predicted the descent into chaos fomented by the Plutocrats to reduce the world population drastically, effectively launching World War 3 via bio-weaponry and conning most of the people into accepting the situation through Fear. Please note that this narrative has its counterpart, which is to call the first story conspiracy theory whilst the Freedom loving Resistance retorts that the official narrative promotes a real conspiracy.
Think about it for a while dear readers: when WW1 and 2 were declared and conscription mandatory, the conscientious resisters were derided and declared cowards, though as those brave resisters clearly saw, whatever the BBC told the airwaves, that going to War served the interests of the Plutocrats, not the poor bastards killing each other in the name of patriotism, which is frankly demented.
Now then, since the current crisis in the world is mirrored at every level, a brief mention of the blogger's crisis with this lung infection is worth a few words, not for sympathy but to highlight again how such crises bring out the best aspects of humanity, as well as the worst, depending on one's view of Life and whether good friends and family rally round or run away, not wishing to become involved.Frankly speaking, dear readers, cheery optimism has always served your blogger best, and despite the current crisis that has not changed essentially. So, here's the story for today: clot busters take a while, friends and family rally round, rest and patience is practised despite the tempting Sun outside the window, good nutrition is made reality and a firm conviction that March 25th is the very latest that the trip to Findhorn will prevent the 6 hour drive, though clearly such driving and passenger riding has already occurred in the last two weeks.
Evening comes, still dark at 6pm, and supper's prepared for the philosophical friend from the village and your blogger, after which it's film night: Secrets and Lies starring Timothy Spall and Brenda Blethyn where an adopted black woman is reunited with her white birth mother.A very deep and perceptive treatment of racism in the late 60s in London.
Before all that the reading material was Charles Eisenstein's "The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible ".
Who on Earth knows about Tuesday the 1st of February, except it's Imbolc and a New Moon.
Good night dear readers!