Tuesday, 18 January 2022

18.01.22 Tuesday thinners ...

Good morning dear readers! It's another Sunny day in Stanhope, as I look out of the window at the Weardale Way going up the hill opposite The Retreat House. Not long now before these blood thinners dissolve the tiny blood clots in the lungs, and the blogging pilgrim will be straight up that hill preparing for the next Camino de Santiago de Compostela!

There are many ways to heal the human body from ailments and the NHS has varied approaches, as one might expect. If blood clots are spotted thinners follow, though not Warfarin on this occasion but a new drug, and supplements Marta sent and the Elder Daughter, need to be checked for adverse effects.

A good friend from the village arrives after lunch, with essential supplies like bananas and avocados from Crook Market. She stays to help with heavy lifting then reads a book relevant to her recent Zoom course on Philosophy which sounds fascinating and its likely more relevant books will be found in The Retreat House library as she works through the ten week course. Meanwhile, progress with the blood thinners is steady but slow; after all the course of thinners is three months, taking us to Spring!

Patience, they say, is a virtue. It's also the one of three treasures of the Dao, and the only one still a struggle for the old blogger always in a hurry ... there you go dear reader, that's Life School in action. Anyway, it's dark outside, Tina Turner's spiritual masterpiece is playing on the sound system, fire soon to be lit, supper prepared and maybe a suitable video played. Last night was Only Fools and Horses, an hilarious skit which was very popular 40 odd years ago. Tonight maybe Angels and Demons the follow up to the Da Vinci Code. Let's see!

Time to post for your information dear readers. Tuesday's coming to a close, tomorrow unknown.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are being mended mate.... keep it up and get well soon.
    Will be going to Scotland soon..will see you before I go
