Sunday, 9 January 2022

10.01.22 Monday and Marta

After yesterday's visit from Jacqui and Bill,  today it's Marta again, bringing Polish food and cheerful company. Plus potentised vitC, since she doesn't rate the commercial versions. Marta came to England some time ago, married a Yorkshireman and had two boys, now at school. Her English is impeccable and her auburn hair suggests a fiery temperament,  so you can imagine that pair bringing up two boys in the Northeast of England. Let's just say both have Polish names and learn that language too, which is how it should be, of course. Lunch was delicious and the potentised vitC sachet interesting to say the least. The recommended way to take it orally was in a shot glass with milk, and since the slimy substance was not soluble, had to be swallowed in one go, twice a day half an hour before eating.

After she'd left it was a perfect time for U.K. Column News on livestream and after that a chance to order 4 more boxes, since the health benefits are so good, especially against infection. Then, just as I was planning to light the fire, Mack arrived, having read the blog and concerned about my health. Mack has his own issues, his brother having died last week and he spoke of his plans for the funeral commemorations later this week, in the Highlands of Scotland where he hailed from before joining the Royal Navy aged 15, and floating about the world years afterwards. His deceased brother also joined the Navy, but not successfully but nevertheless Mack's plan was to take the model ship his brother had built , fit it out with a small engine and fireworks, and watch it going out to sea and explode in a flash of fireworks. Now that's what you call a great tribute for a Navy man!

Tomorrow the daughters come, which is very exciting, and though the breathing problem is still not great going up stairs, the numbers on the oxygen saturation levels device are up in the high nineties, after relaxing and breathing the oxygen, which is progress for sure!

Time for reading and preparing supper since it's nearly an hour since the vitC,  then bed again to sleep, perchance to dream ... and with luck wake up in the morning .... Let's see!

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