Friday, 7 January 2022

8.01.22 Saturday fallout

One week on from New Years Day, and life eases us gracefully towards the Spring Equinox, helped by fair weather after the snow. Bill is very interested in the significance of celestial events, horoscopes, planetary alignments and so many fascinating ways to interpret the world we humans live in.Or to be more accurate worlds, because we both see the world of samsara as an illusion and the Luciferian game being played heading towards its inevitable demise as the conditions for peace and love in new worlds ripen, the players on the dark side expose their demonic intentions for all with eyes open to see. One of the big problems  modern psychology shows is that seeing is not just a function of the eyes, but the brain processing the incoming signals through already conditioned minds. It appears that the smarter folks think they are the harder it is to persuade them to change their view, but what can you do with such people? Certainly to push old friends and family into corners is hardly the way for compassionate folks to behave, is it? Perhaps, to be even handed and truly compassionate, one should concede that their view is genuinely and sincerely held, their view correct, ours not and move on?

This brings us to the fallout from yesterday's blog post, which you may recall described the health issue of the blogger, writing this Saturday report to reassure any worried family believing me to be dead that I'm still very much alive and energised by the need yesterday to reassure them that news of my supposed passing was premature. Younger sister in France set things away, after reading yesterday's blog and launched into action to alert other family members, including the two daughters blissfully unaware of any problems, since there was no reason to worry them. Explaining to these two on FB Messenger was straightforward enough, since they know the ways of their father and concur with the views about what's safe in health matters, including the serious doubts about Big Pharma and the wisdom of taking the jabs. They don't do it. On the plus side an invitation to Newcastle on Tuesday to see the daughters is received this morning, which is nice. And through the afternoon it's decided by the two of them that the elder will collect the younger and bring both to Stanhope, which certainly eases things at this end.

Tomorrow Jacqui and Bill come for lunch, Monday Marta again, this time with potentised vitC,  Tuesday the daughters, so today's day without visitors has really slowed things down, which is good. A new book arrives from Hive: Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard, an old classic from decades back, pointing out that reading and speaking are minimally important in understanding the worlds, whilst the emotions engaged speak Truth from the heart.

Time for supper!

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