A lie in after the late night double bill plus finishing the Sunday blog post leaves your optimistic correspondent musing about the possibilities of a day with no fixed agenda or confirmed visitors, though the strong coffee is still de rigueur to spark the engine and warm water to hydrate the body. Given the current blood clot business there's the morning clot buster to swallow, then the potentised vitC to ingest before breakfast of porage and fruit. And a second strong coffee. To be accurate there is a visitor later, the friend from the village bringing supplies and company for a possible film show later, but first she has PiIates this morning then Philosophy on zoom early evening.
After breakfast is reading The Yoga of Eating, musing in blessed silence, then a burst of energy to venture out back into the relatively cold air, filling a bag with coal to ensure sufficient for future fires in the multi-fuel burner, which makes January evenings cosy, though this January has been very mild so far compared to last year. More study follows, plus musing about lunch ... mushrooms with an egg poached in them makes a fine light lunch! Since optimum nutrition is essential, but calorific requirements quite low, its best to listen the the best advice, which of course varies according to opinion.
After lunch a nap in the Sun by the window, then more chores to ensure surfaces are clear, objects washed and fire prepared for igniting in an hour or two, options are open once more, so let's see shall we: U.K.Column News on replay for an hour, or the laptop to decipher, maybe more reading? Or a bit of everything since the friend from the village arrives from zooming around 5.30.
Well, U.K. Column News was full of information, as usual, reporting on the NHS staff demonstrating for freedom and drawing the attention of the Government to the unity between the vaccinated and those resisting, and the shortage of staff in the NHS, only to be worsened if these folks are banned from work as threatened.
The supper was tasty and the DVD was Monty Python and the Holy Grail, an hilarious spoof on history in the Middle Ages.
Tomorrow, nothing much planned except a possible trip out as recovery proceeds and Daisy needs some exercise after sitting around all this time ... maybe top up the cash reserves too! The distributor of The Light invited your local distributor to Stanley at 5pm, but the phone was off and anyway it was rather early to venture out to collect newspapers ... besides there was supper to prepare when the philosopher friend returned fron zooming.
The forecast is fine again tomorrow, so let's see then ... Good Night!
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