Saturday, 22 January 2022

23.01.22 Freedom and Beyond

Today's existential question for a Sunday is this: Is one day, now and again sufficient to secure the Freedoms removed when Martial Law was declared in March of 2020? Or, to be more precise,  partial Freedom, since many lovers of so-called Democracy imagined that a vote every few years, with candidates mostly bought and paid for by commercial interests, i.e, corrupt, were delivering this magical concept called Democracy. Of course some politicians entered Parliament with honest intentions and slipped into corruption, whilst a small minority provided a veneer of the concept; however the power of the mass media, owned by cartels and other special interests like the good old BBC with its licence fee to protect, ensures Democracy remains the illusion it always was. Take Ancient Greece, for example, which gave Democracy its name. Universal Suffrage it wasn't, since Democracy in those days was for the higher classes, which didn't include women or other slaves!

It's now after lunch with Bill the philosopher and time to unravel the question of: Beyond Freedom  some more. It's basically as K suggested in yesterday's blog post. Our cage is where freedom is lost, no matter how large and comfy. Bill and your philosophic old blogger spent an hour so on these questions, then he had to leave to see his sister at Wideopen, about an hour and a half's drive on the other side of Newcastle. As it happens Bill chooses to live homeless, staying with one or other of his extended family or good friends with spare beds and always happy to host him.

The afternoon is for reading, mostly Charles Eisenstein's mystical book: The Yoga of Eating. It's in the Library of The Retreat House to be borrowed, or you can buy your own via Hive.

After supper it's film night again, this time a double bill. First up is Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, which employs their usual zany style and then it's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, a classic starirng Jack Nicholson in a mental institution. Dark humour for sure.

Tomorrow is Monday again, as we move remorselessly towards February  and it'll be Spring again and Findhorn by the sea. As for the blood clots, the thinners continue to do their work, as do supplements from elder daughter. And as Charles Eisenstein teaches in The Yoga of Eating, the fitness of the body needs an integrated approach: Heathy food, exercise, fresh air, pharmaceutical products if essential, and a healthy mind. A spiritual aspect also helps and good support from loving family and friends too. It follows that an optimistic attitude makes a massive difference to ones mental health, and booking Sunflower B&B in Findhorn Eco-village in March and paying the bill in full certainly demonstrates optimism.

Thanks for reading dear readers, that also lifts the spirits!

Good night!

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