Sunday, 16 January 2022

16.01.22 Sunday Rest with Bill

As you may imagine dear reader, yesterday was full on reconciling contradictions at various levels, mostly personal, local and sub-regional. Of course this game is played at every level all the way through the national, super-national (e.g. EU, NATO, Australasia, etc), and the Global of course, where global corporations form their cartels, with the United Nations in support.

Sunday, of course, is a day to relax and stand back from the YinYang of Duality, and address our true Nature, which is spirituality, and who better than Bill to take us there? We spoke of things unseen and such esoteric exemplars of other worlds as Rudolf Steiner and Stuart Wilde, and subjects like astrology and numerology. The Age of Aquarius replaced the Piscean Age in control since Graeco-Roman times a while ago and the consequences unveil daily as the Dark Forces thrash about desperately trying to sustain their power ... such futility when the inevitable strains the  credulity of even supporters of Johnson and Biden, as the mainstream media chips away at the current regimes, trying to replace them with more acceptable fascist forms of pseudo-democracy,  not realising that new forms of government must replace those controlled by the Plutocrats who have strange notions of War without end and money far more important than Love.

St Michael holds sway as warrior for Peace and Love, and has for the many decades of the changeover of Star Signs.

Bill departed soon after lunch and these discussions, now the old blogger is listening to seer Leonard Cohen for inspiration, prior to soup and a film ... maybe The Wickerman?

Tomorrow Marta and the two Daughters arrive for lunch, with food and inspiration ... and Bill says a Full Moon, certain to be propitious for something or other ... who knows? I'm still learning about this stuff to be honest, and anyone claiming to know it all is probably crazy.

That's it for today dear readers, as the clot busters go into action and sort this breathlessness issue out once and for all.

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