An early night after the all action Angels and Demons Hollywood style chase through Vatican City in a desperate search for a baddy using anti-matter filched from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, an incredibly stupid scientific search for ever smaller particles to be found by subtly whizzing atomic particles around a 20 kilometre racetrack and smashing them together under the Alps, not far from Rome. The myth leading to Tom Hanks and other celebrity scientists tearing around Vatican City was the epithet coined by a famous physicist, maybe Peter Higgs whose name is remembered for the Higgs Boson, which won him and others Nobel Prize, was The God Particle, and since the Roman Catholics still claim to be the One True Faith, the scene was set for the film.
Now, dear sceptical readers of Wear & Dao, you'll note that deep philosophical enquiry on the many Caminos and before, revealed flaws in the story of Jesus Christ as represented by an old bloke claiming a hotline to God and dispensing bullshit for centuries ... Christ, embodying Peace and Love then Popes threatening any dissenters to their hegemony and support for War. Before the first Camino, on Retreat at Findhorn with a young guru called Jeff Foster, whose background as an astro-physicist impressed your blogger, led to an urge to question him as to the safety of CERN and their deluded search for ever smaller particles, when quantum physics clearly pointed to energy as paramount and particles blinking in and out of existence according to consciousness, either individual or universal, maybe a bit of both.As for what some call God, this concept can't logically be taken as a starting point for philosophy can it?
So there we are dear readers, Wednesday well past half-way to February, the shortest month, then March and often Easter, though that's April this year,when Christ was crucified for heresy or something. Frankly folks, this sceptical pilgrim found Monty Python's Life of Brian more persuasive than Angels and Demons or Popes with hotlines to God, and since the film is in the Retreat House Library, maybe it's time to watch it again!
Back to today, the day of wondering whether visitors will come and if so who ... or whether it's a day of blessed silence for more reflection and wondering. For example how long the blood thinners will take to see off these little blood clots. Of course, the friend from the village stayed last night and is slumbering upstairs whilst this part of the blog is concocted. Anyway, she offers support and a peaceful demeanour, and is studying philosophy via Zoom, so it's all good. When she comes downstairs we'll see how long she plans to stay, but suffice to say there will be dialogue, which is energising, and was raised a Roman Catholic so offers a new perspective, which is always helps.
Now it's nearly bedtime, and the old friend went off to a prior meeting this morning and returned this afternoon, with supplies and stayed for supper and the film The Life of Brian, a timeless treat! Afterwards she went home since in the morning she visits her Mum and other family members at Jarrow, and plans to return early evening. Anyway, Thursday is a whole new day when all is possible, so lets see, shall we?
Here's your blog, dear readers ... I do hope you'll like it ... Goodnight!
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