Since today is mid-week if we call Saturday and Sunday a weekend, why not explore more philosophy to pass the time? Leaving aside for now preliminary philosphical questions, such as the notion of linear time and even the theory that the Universe itself is merely metaphor with information in two dimensions and the Universe a three dimensional holographic projection into the so-called void. As regular readers will know this theory is one of many emanating from cosmologists and quantum physicists trying to establish proofs of the provenance of the expanding universe!
So, you may ask, what has this to do with non-duality, our topic for today?
How shall we define non-duality? The simple answer is to take its opposite, Oneness. So why not just say Oneness then? What do we mean by Oneness? In philosophy it points to that which may not be named ... God, Allah, Jehovah, and the other Creator Deities. Of course many philosophers don't subscribe to that notion. Take other religions like Buddhism, Daoism, Hinduism and so on; they certainly don't espouse atheism yet know deeply that there are worlds beyond the mundane. This deep knowing is intuition, which may be faulty, but often has more merit than book learning, guru worship and the other tendencies for humans to follow leaders instead of working things out for themselves.
Try this. Literally "not two" but metaphorically a system to describe the world or worlds through opposites. Lao Tse in the Dao de Jing writes about it. Thus: Using complex language in many translations and ever more complex words seems to set Homo Sapiens apart from our evolutionary ancestors. From ugh, ooh, err and yuk comes War and Peace or the Bible eventually, if you subscribe to Charles Darwin's theory at least. Creationists beg to differ. Just to nod to the other languages homo sapiens developed, apart from words written or spoken; music, painting, mathematics, algebra and silence all help us comprehend our worlds. And a statistician at Brockwood Park some years ago pointed out the likelihood of the leap from the Apes to Homo Sapiens was close to zero.
Anyway, it's time to get this blog away, and it's well known that non-duality is a tricky customer, what with Advaita Vedenta and other systems with gurus teaching follow my leader, whilst Krishnamurti said "Leaders destroy followers, followers destroy leaders", when denouncing The Order of the Star in 1924. Famous for his spirituality and teaching of the formless, including non-duality, he soon gathered followers who revered his message. It seems clear enough that it's the message that's pure, but not necessarily the messenger!
Thanks for reading dear followers ... tomorrow we examine The Thirst for Wisdom or Knowledge, but meanwhile this blog must go. Good night!
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