Friday, 7 January 2022

Friday 7.01.2022

Friday again in the the year 2022, which seems remarkable for one born in the previous century, halfway through in fact, still hanging about with the other baby boomers, getting in the way of progress, demanding Pensions, Bus Passes, power over the youngsters trying to make progress, with votes for candidates mostly corrupt and as old as us! Then there's the super-rich doing the bribing, of course, all in the same clubs. ... owning the mass media too, to ensure the masses stay on message. What a mess we're leaving for our children to clean up ....

Yesterday's heavy snow forecast was rather exaggerated and Jill and Terry arrived in the morning with home made soup and lemon drizzle cake,  which we shared, as Terry set to work fitting the oxygen feed into my nostrils comfortably, so we could send the readings to Lyne. Of course this was also a chance for some one-to-one time with Jill and Terry from the Garden Station half an hour's drive over Rookhope and Allenheads to Langley Station, now used as a venue for all sorts of events.

Today Bill arrives for Soup at 2, that will be great -  a chance to catch up on philosophy and things spiritual with someone I just met about 6 months ago at the Stand in the Park in Hexham and he, like me, has been there each Sunday before 10, more or less, and often afterwards for coffee and philosophy a subject in which Bill has interested himself for years.This post of Friday 7.1.22 can wait for update after Bill's been, but since it's only 11.30am at time of writing this, best fill in a few details of today so far -  briefly. Well, a good night's sleep was enjoyed, with occasional coughing, then a late morning out of bed for coffee about 7.30. Some communication with Lyne regarding yesterday's results from the oxygen raised concern with her and she suggested a visit to the GP at the Surgery, which is rather tricky, of course, after my refusal to accept so-called vaccinations or even wear masks. Call me stubborn if you like, but I've always been that way! Besides, being Friday the chances of seeing a Doctor today are slim, and by the time Bill's been slimmer still. Of course, all this leads to the Hospital, and I really don't wish to go there! Let's wait and see, shall we?

Whilst waiting for Bill at 2, the plan was to catch the U.K.Column News at 1pm,  so at 12.45 there's plenty of time to write these words for you, dear readers ... you may have noticed the new style of presenting this stuff, in segments stitched together in a confusion of tenses. Still, the editor can edit it or critique it, the style is not unknown after all! An old book, meanwhile, amuses your old blogger and baby boomers may well remember it - My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell, younger brother of Lawrence, the author of Lawrence of Arabia! A proper literary family ...

And so Bill has left and it's time to post for you, dear readers. He came early, so U.K.Column News must wait for later. The dialogue was very helpful on Spiritual questions, as always, and he went having enjoyed the Soup and lemon drizzle cake from Jill and Terry yesterday and plans to return Sunday with Jacqui.  Time to set the fire before showering and supper ... and posting the latest for you, dear readers!

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