Tuesday 8 October 2019

Here we go again!

Lack of trust in certainty of waking early enough to ensure bus to Durham in time for 8.55 train to Plymouth repaid by early hours faulty resetting of time on tablet ... alarm function rarely used and finding the time at 5.45 leaving it tight it took a while to work out that far from being late it was actually a hour or so early ... still, the extra time enabled a tardy assessment of the fully laden new rucksack and finding it unsatisfactory a return to trust Deuter ... a walk into the village, the direct bus wending its way though old pit villages from the long defunct West Durham coalfield, picking up students heading for New College, mostly defying the stereotypes and conversing rather than focusing fully on smartphones ... bus arrives late but in time for train heading to Plymouth ... and a delightful reunion with Penny all the way to Leeds ... followed by the Sheffield stage chatting to Mark about matters philosophical. .. his upcoming 10 day Vippassana retreat and more... third chat is with nonagenarian Donald, 30 years retired railway clerk and getting full value from pension and free travel pass ... some info on his warm winters in Malaysia before he alights at Derby and time for a picnic and nap ... on through Birmingham with fewer passengers to pester ...

Idea of awkward onward trip from Santander prompts new plan to walk west and see how that goes ... and there is plenty of time before Stanhope dental appointment on November 5th ... perhaps a return 2 days before, marking the 5th anniversary of the bid for freedom ...

Boat delayed by previous medical evacuations, though they seem to plan to pick up time .... hopefully not too late in Santander, since nothing is booked there ... anyway the city is well known now and plenty of choice near the centre and the ferry parks handily for hostels and hotels ... and that's a question for tomorrow, for tonight there's a bed in a tiny cabin with built in toilet and shower and it's calling after the  very early start and long journey across England ...

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