Friday 23 April 2021

A Day in Durham ...

Since Daisy required attention from Fred Henderson, the main dealers just outside Durham City, an early drive East left a good few hours for wandering on footpaths on a fine Spring day, with daffodils in crowds, though the paths are far from lonely and clouds completely absent ... and Houghall Woods, the site of coal mining many years ago, long since remediated by humans who previously extracted untold tons of black gold to power the nation and beyond ... not that the workers enjoyed the profits of course, they were basically slaves ... slave masters, however, built mansions and monuments to themselves, many open to the public these days, since slavery lost favour and reforms and taxation led to the National Trust and other bodies ...

The first human encountered was Cat, with two dogs, wearing a shirt with a logo with a pun readers can easily work out ... a pleasant exchange left Cat amused by a new word for her customers, dogalyst, which obviously infers catalyst, but dogs, sparking the reaction from humans when their dogs sniff each other's rear ends ... moving on, a sign by the farm said Camino Ingles, which runs from Finchale Abbey, to Escomb Church and Bishop Auckland, before disappearing and reappearing in Ferrol, Galicia and ending a week later in Santiago de Compostela ...brief chats with two more walkers before crossing a busy road as the River Wear flowed under on its way to the sea at Sunderland, leading to a poignant conversation with an elder out walking to exercise in the Sun, after serious surgery, a triple bypass, which he barely survived ... naturally, this led to questions about death and dying ... before another elder arrived with an old spaniel, a retired GP with strong opinions about the fascist coup and the reasons for the criminal lockdown, which he found completely unnecessary to deal with a coronavirus relatively mild in its effects, though highly infectious ... and lethal to the vulnerable, who should have had the option to choose whether to shelter and hope for the best, or take their chances with the rest of us as herd immunity spread.

Next up, a testing tracking compound, with a masked individual answering questions as to what they were offering, since your blogger had no idea ... the testy tracker kindly replied and convinced me that poking things up my nose was definitely not part of my plans ... so I swiftly moved on again ... and found a retail opportunity, essential for dedicated walkers, but closed by the Junta for no good reason ... a pair sandals and new shoes later, the pack heavier, wallet much lighter, we left Ken at Rohan and moved on. .. a FB friend called John was entertained briefly as he socially distanced about a metre and advised the Indoor Market for a pee, though the coffee shop was closed, despite the Indoor Market being open, since coffee and other items can only be consumed outside ... if you're confused or from another planet, like Ancient Greece or Rome, where logic pertains, there is a reason ... just don't believe the lying media, ordered to report the bullshit devised by the Behavioural Insights Team at Cabinet Office ...

Time is speeding up as mortality, or immortality (who knows?) gets closer and stories get wilder and wider as most humans these days create their own variants of tales and self-publish on social media ... remember the good old days before Gutenberg when the written word was controlled by a few folks and stories depended on people like Popes? The Library in Stanhope is filling up with stories of many kinds, from different cultures and different subjects to help us understand
the Nature of Reality ... which is the main question for this old blogger, unsure whether to walk, talk, write, read or simply enjoy Silence! Ah, silence ... now that's the language where Truth lies ...

Anyway, Durham was Friday and full of walks and talks, yesterday was reflection in Stanhope and insurrection in London with a million on the streets protesting peacefully, and others in cities all round the Earth, tired of the old stories ... today is Sun Day and yet again more Sun is expected as a few friends propose to Stand in a Park nearby and discuss Love, Peace and the Nature of Reality,  in which, by the way, we humans may play a part in creating ... the tide turns, Earth spins, Sun shines, Moon reflects Sun and moves water in oceans and humans ...

Daisy, the Light blue Chinese MG, meanwhile, is repaired and passed fit for more adventures!

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