Monday 26 April 2021

Authorities ...

Well, well, what an interesting game we are invited to play. Using words.
Now then, or Dao Zen, to play with words which rhyme.
We know for sure that words this time are often used to mean their opposite.
Take Sage, for example, meaning wise, yet the tricksters advising this regime are called that.
Smart, yes, clever maybe, wise never ... they're sophists serving psychopaths and the challenge is to take them down and beat them with better words in better stories.

Examining the power struggle, it's clear the Authorities have the upper hand for now.
Hypnotism, Fear of death, love of money and a temporary loss of common sense conspire to confuse many if not most ... so far censorship and false narratives have sufficed and it's better not to mention the other powers held in reserve incuding: Utilities turned off; gas, electric, internet, water; ATMs off selectively or all at once; food supplies disrupted and so on. Living rurally, with solar panels, woodburner, wood in woods to collect, water springing from the hillside opposite, kind neighbours, and food growing wild to forage means a survivalist approach might appeal ... many have joined that system over the years ... but what about the cities, where most people dwell? And where current conditions are more severe and resistance is growing daily. So, dear reader(s), it's all well and good out here in Stanhope, with books to read, thoughts to think, moments when thought stops and so on, but is it good enough?

Anyway, next month, May, a holiday is planned for London! Not so much a holiday for elder daughter in need of dentistry, but certainly one for her old Dad, delighted to spend time transporting her in Daisy, and between appointments for nearly a week. A chance to wander in old haunts and maybe catch up with long lost friends - who knows? The next big demo, by the way, is planned for the day before we arrive, and it seems a lot to add another day or two when her family are already going to miss her company. Still, memories flood in of marching to Trafalgar Square, Whitehall and Hyde Park, red flags flying with the comrades chanting, many different sects uniting for the day, and mostly defending our own dogma ... rather like The Life of Brian, without the crucifixion. Those were the days!

As for these days, peace of mind is more important, and agitation is not advised. The curiosity about The Nature of Reality exercises the brain cells and working out what the Dark Players, like Johnson, Cummings, Hancock, Schwab, Gates and Common Purpose cultists are playing at, keeps the Left Hemisphere working while supporting the bigger picture in the Right.
For readers in need of books to explain the above idea, try Iain McGilchrist and The Divided Brain or The Master and His Emissary. And, as if by magic, a book from Ivan Illich, well known in the 1970s,  Limits to Medicine , turns up at Oxfam, just reopened thanks to the kind Junta, and explaining how iatrogenisis was a scandal (and still is), since the medical model, with Big Pharma bribing all and sundry in pursuit of profits, was causing illness. No change there then!

Never mind, some much needed rain arrives in Stanhope and the Light emerges as Sun rises with clouds covering the rays, and a walk with waterproofing calls ... the birds for sure are still tweeting, though what they're saying is not clear. Maybe Attention, Attention as described in Huxley's last novel, Island ... Aldous, of course, spent a lot of time travelling in other dimensions, aided by Mescalin and other drugs, which showed him future options when the Doors of Perception opened ... including The Perennial Philosophy, which includes the idea that the past is gone, the future uncertain, and reality exists in the present moment: Here and Now, or Wear and Dao if you are happy to play with words ...

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