Tuesday 11 May 2021

More multiverses. ..

Here we go again! Groundhog Day! But what on Earth does it mean? I mean how to explain the world that barely makes sense? The Many Worlds Theory, attributed to Hugh Everett, makes a comeback, and David Bohm's Emergence and Implicate Order ideas always held sway with physicists open to mysticism. After all, Bohm spent much Time exploring with Krishnamurti, and he was revered as the New Messiah by Annie Besant and the other Theosophists, who had been searching for him since Madame Blavatsky had visions. What you seek, you find, was said by someone else, possibly in a version of the Bible of the Jews and the Christians, and the author of those books is unknown. So, it's tricky. I mean, what on Earth is the point of a Holy Book, composed of many wise stories and two main Gods? And two main volumes, the Old Testament, for the Jews, with a rather fierce God called Jehova, putting his fear into any humans subscribing to that religion. The New Testament God was kinder and included his son, himself a Jew. This son of this God, went on to found another religion, Christianity, which is puzzling when he already had Judaism and that fierce God. As for Jesus Christ's story, including some excised or edited by representatives of the New God to suit their power hungry ambitions; hmm, after all, a Gnostic Gospel suggesting Christ had a wife, called Mary like his Mum, undermined the edifice created to celebrate the compassion of God, the Father, who permitted his son to be nailed to a cross to suffer a nasty death alongside thieves, who sang the basic lesson along with Jesus: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. Or was that Brian? Never mind, it still works. Monty Python's Flying Circus reached thousands of viewers in search of the Holy Grail. As far as organised religions go, this one seems fine. It certainly upset the Catholic Christians, plus their friendly enemies, the Church of England. As for the Methodists, Baptists and Witnesses, who knows? Let's just say a sense of humour is essential to live a contented Life, shall we?

After heavy rain during an essential trip East to the defunct coalfield along the coast, where strong communities withered as time moved on and old miners died along with their Trade Union, ritually murdered over an epic one year strike, with the radical Thatcher bossing the cabinet about and the miners mostly inspired by the radical Scargill. Local police were stood down or posted elsewhere, while troops from London, some from the Met, some army, fought battles in Easington and other pit villages. So, 1985 it seems, was the turning point when the neo-liberal experiment won power, public utilities privatised, unions smashed, wages and conditions of the working classes stagnated, and over-qualified youngsters found work flipping burgers for the lethal enemy of public health, Big Mac and his pals. After the Iron Lady rusted and the softer Major consoled the casualties, a New Labour leader emerged to gull the working class as domestic programmes consoled further and money flowed into jobs for bureaucrats and social entrepreneurs. Blair showed his true character in symbolic ways, to remind us that neo-liberalism was still in play. His first decision, to maintain the awful OFSTED and its nasty chief, Woodhead, followed by the pact with the Dark forces taking apart the Middle East along with other NATO allies, in search of fossil fuels they controlled, ensured his reputation as a war criminal and Luciferian. That brutal game plays on today and many refugees from the invaded nations found havens in the communities of the defunct coalfield and cities around with houses to spare.

Meanwhile, back in Stanhope, the rain refreshes the plants and fills the Wear again, as it makes its way through Durham to the coast at Sunderland. Whether it's really possible to step in the same river twice is an ancient question from a Greek philosopher, of course. But let's just say many Mackems seem to swim upriver for holidays in caravans which doubles the population of the Dale in Summer, enabling commerce to remain open in the winter for the locals. And incomers like your's truly!

Yesterday's early walk in the woods was heavenly as a strong Sun evaporated rain from ground in a magical mist, with perfume released from refreshed plants plus sound effects from tweeting birds.
No photos or films could possibly describe it, and anyway it may have all been in the mind. Another universe you could say. The universe  the day before yesterday in Horden Colliery in the rain, a world suffering; in 1955 a thriving mining village; in 1985 epic battles to defend the community; the old blogger in 1985 in London urging the bus drivers and conductors into action, collecting money every Friday to to take to the now defunct Kent coalfield villages and even managing to persuade the members to offer one day on strike in support. Not much compared to the year of fighting by the miners, but symbolic anyway. Another universe of nostalgia in one small fragment of Universal Mind, which appears from time to time in meditation, when all is one, as taught by Buddha and many others. Why such suffering is found in so many worlds is impossible to understand fully with left-brain measurement. And violent revolution in pursuit of peace is clearly contradictory. How on Earth we humans are to resolve the question is often asked. Maybe one way is to relax and focus on the Universe we truly desire, whilst keeping awareness in peripheral vision? And create a peaceful world in the only universe each of us may actually control. Another pilgrimage to Brockwood where Krishamurti taught is planned. K was possibly Buddha reincarnated, by the way.

What on Earth is going on? Well, love still pertains wherever we go. In blighted Horden the Matriarch speaks of her extended family and their love for each other. As new, re-formed community appears, the beauty of the coast and dene will draw appreciation from locals and incomers alike. The traumas and addictions will lift, with new jobs and other ways to find purpose. Personally, retirement was always my first choice. I just wish I'd discovered it decades ago ...

So, there we are ... living, each of us in our own little worlds. Beyond that there are surely better worlds. Imagine! No more War! Start there ... When multiverses collapse into the Unity, we all return to One, don't we? The tricky thing is, in an eternity, that seems to take for ever ...

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