Friday 7 May 2021

Women of the Resistance

The Resistance continues as always happens when Dark forces take Power flagrantly, flaunting their pathetic latest mission to turn off The Light. In previous crises, like WWI and WWII, the men mostly did the fighting, whilst the women took care of the children to ensure sufficient humans to continue the strange games humans play, including killing each other. The women in the first World War, discovered new freedoms whilst the blokes were busy wondering whether to do the sensible thing and make friends with their enemies, shoot their officers and return home, or maybe just hope for the best, aim to miss (as frequently happened), and wait for the storm to pass.

As for Human Nature, which is fundamentally different from the rest of Nature, thanks to thought, which led to us thinking we were Separate from the Unity seen in Revelation, and therefore permitted to break the Laws of Nature, one of which is Thou Shalt Not Kill, interpreted in different ways of course, according to which cult we subscribe to, but basically we may find human beings have a fragment of their Soul chipped off in indulging in murder of another ensouled creature. Cannibalism, though frowned upon these days, is allowed if the ancient ritual teaches not to waste good food since it's freshly dead and nourishing.

Meanwhile, back in Weardale and nearby, two young women arrive from the Resistance, for lunch. Both friends of each other and the old blogger, one a vegan, the other omnivorous, though neither cannibals ... discussion ensues during consumption of food, including the assertion from the women that the Resistance this time is mostly them, whilst most men, as they colourfully said, seem to have lost their balls. Obviously football is on telly full time in the crisis, and actually playing the game is restricted as is going along to stadia to watch, in case of covids, even though evidence suggests that they prefer it indoors, so they can watch the footy too, as the blokes eat pizza, drink beer and get fatter, all of which does wonders for their immune systems. Never mind, they find time between games to pop along to the clinic for some very safe poisons to protect them from those pesky covids, most of which have already settled in to the body of the host and joined the other trillion or so lurking about awaiting their chance to spring out, usually in winter, and have another go at killing the host.

Anyway, all that's virology, and not relevant to this post. Yet another powerful woman, a local influencer, slightly older than the other two, signs up to the Resistance, which has no formal membership by the way, in case Dark forces are reading this rubbish, like you dear reader! The elder has seen the Plan of the Great Reset long ago and wisely decided not to scare her friends any more than necessary as hypnotism mesmerised the masses (if that's not oxymoronic).

Weather Saturday, is perfectly wet, which Nature here in Weardale requires. Howie the little Shitzu cross, who charms most humans, requires a walk, which is the job the old blogger enjoys, whatever the weather. The retired Nurse who takes care of Howie at other times, whilst Mick the old human Howie usually entertains remains in London where he began, and has found a new lover; good going at 81, rests for an hour or two.

Sunday, Sun returns as the temperature picks up, and another trip over the hills to Hexham to Stand in the Park reveals more women, of various ages, most mature, and fewer blokes again. Hugs are optionally shared, plus information, and the May edition of The Light, already out of date, but full of propaganda disproving the official lies, with extra copies for Weardale. The Light of Truth shines brighter as the Shock and Awe phase of The Great Reset moves on so humans may have their holidays and covids too. The kind fascist junta decrees we are nearly free as long as we behave nicely, though a third wave as the covids return in normal flu season in September is quite likely. Great, the Fear is primed and ready to go.

Meanwhile, Wear and Dao prepares for a trip to London next week, and maybe later trips to see the K crew and Findhorn folks ... as for the Camino addiction, there are plenty of pilgrim routes in the UK, and anyway those walks are essentially in the mind, of course!

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