Wednesday 21 July 2021

Freedom postponed. ..

Alert readers may have observed that the last post, on Monday 19th July, made no mention of the well advertised Freedom Day, announced by the Junta and its pompous leader, as if Freedom could be bestowed by the very fascists who removed it when they declared Martial Law in March 2019.

Now freedom may be defined in many different ways, and indeed is often limited, sometimes for valid reasons. For example, freedom for the BBC to tell the whole world where the landing place for the second invasion of France by the forces of the British Empire, plus allies like the USA, random Poles, free French from Britain, French Resistance already resident causing trouble behind the Nazi forces ... well, obviously the opposite was true, and the BBC radio told fibs to lead the Nazis up the Garden path, as poor old Adolf finally got his come uppance, when the long awaited Second Front joined the Soviet Union, which had lured Adolf into the trap of a winter in Russia. Some people never learn from history, do they?

Since Civil War has been undeclared in many nations this time, and no other nation has been identified clearly as the enemy, this leaves the poor old Beeb in a quandary ... which side should it support? The illegal Government? Or the people, locked down and their Freedom denied?

As the story develops, sabre rattling from Junta sources puts China and Russia in contention with each other and with NATO to see who could win WW3 if there should be one. Astute readers may see a tricky problem for bloggers and others calling Johnson, who thinks he's Winston, Mussolini, whom he most resembles. Freedom of expression in times of war again!

Conversations with random strangers with relevant information to build a narrative of peace and love, as opposed to the official narrative of The WEF led by the mad Professor Klaus Schwab, or Blofeld or whichever role you see best suits him, include a senior executive with a holiday mobile home on the usual early walk into the village and through the woods. His experience includes the local drugs factory at Barnard Castle and recent trips to China. As unlikely as that may sound, it happened, since the feet were on the ground, not still in the bed. The encounter roamed around the history of empires changing inevitably as decadence sets in and more robust ones replace the rusty ones like the U.S. plus NATO, still dangerous, not least to their own citizens.

Yesterday, a trip with Daisy to Gateshead to collect the latest edition of The Light no.11, uncovered a Nepali security guard who wanted to join the Gurkhas serving the U.K. plus a bloke from Octopus Energy from Cornwall, ex-army, who gratefully received a copy of the propaganda. And so on. All of which keeps an old age pensioner active and engaged in the outrage of The Great Reset, clearly a Eugenics Agenda, with the need to reduce the population starting with the oldest and most vulnerable, but not venerable, and moving on to the younger and infirm not required on the payroll, as the revered NHS betrays its promise again and again, by pushing dangerous drugs as if they were smarties.

There will be trials, folks. Make sure you're on the right side this time!

Sun is up early again, papers to post through some doors, then, let's see what happens next ...

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