Sunday 25 July 2021


Language evolves along with humans who use it ... in different forms for different places, and exploring the languages evolving from grunts and groans to words expressed in speaking and writing, possibly categorised under the heading of General Semantics in the rather complex world created as English, which spread with the Great British Empire from hundreds of years ago and was adopted, not always voluntarily by those dominated by the Anglo-Saxon folks in charge.
Scholars may note at this point, that Saxons arrived in England from a nearby tribe invading Wessex or whatever King or Queendom evolved in those days. And the Saxe-Coburg folks played a major part later with Queen Victoria, also Empress of much of the World as Great Britain civilised other people, whether they liked it or not, thanks to superior weaponry and psychopathic officers reared in special schools, like Eton, separated from the love of their nannies or mothers, brutalised and buggered by kind teachers and prefects, so they could ensure free trade and large profits for the East India Company, where all the Corporate hegemony began.

Starting locally, the English language was imposed on the Welsh, Scots and Irish folks, who incorporated it into their own Gaelic forms, as well as hanging onto the old ones for historical purposes, including to upset the English. Needless to say, today we may hear many accents mangling the pure English language, not least the settlers from the USA, who somehow managed to supplant Great Britain as the successor Empire after the Second World War, due to their wealth stored up by trading with all sides of both world wars and picking the winners to claim the credit both times. Not to mention the stern warning to the rest of the world that they had not only superior weaponry, called nuclear bombs, but psychopathic leaders prepared to drop them on not just one but two Japanese cities, to test how many humans they could kill with one bomb, twice.

The folks running the no-longer Great British Empire, swiftly decided to align with the Yanks, which was handy because they also knew a simplified version of English, including their word for holiday, derived from holy day, which was vacation, maybe derived from vacancy, referring to Bed and Breakfasts and Hotels available for their holidays? Staycation, the clumsy word cobbled together by the smartasses of the Behavioural Insights Team, was invented by their experts in neuro-linguistic programming to encourage folks to stop travelling to other people's countries for holidays, though invasions to protect the interests of the decadent, declining Anglo-American Empire, continued. The Russian contestants to replace the Yanks had their own ambitions, but the ones with most of the money, the Chinese, spent it wisely buying up large parts of Africa for the minerals and places to grow food, having long ago invaded Tibet, where the sources of the great rivers of India and Pakistan began.

Anyway, that's enough on the Earthly issues of empires and who's next, when cosmic forces are at work, and issues of how all this mayhem of humans murdering each other for profits may be sorted during this current crisis, without recourse to violence this time. Theologians and sceptics may have observed that no mention was made of the role of Christians in enforcing the old empire and converting savages to the love of Jesus whether they liked it or not. Organised religions may indeed be part of the problem, which is not to say Atheists are any better, of course .

Meanwhile, the storytelling goes on, here on the blog, in The Light paper, on The BBC, newspapers with different lies for different readers, wandering around Weardale and Standing in the Park at Hexham yesterday, talking with all sorts of humans not of how to kill each other, or even how to kill the dark forces doing their best to extinguish the light. Once our own light is bright enough, and our shadows examined completely, then apparently a whole new world is created, beyond our imagination. Not to be mistaken for the New World Order, obviously! That's the poor old Luciferians, frightened of their own death and so much in love with money, they can't get enough.

As for summer holidays this year, Weardale and around is fine for now, and a wander over the border sometime is in the probability field, possibly with a tent ...

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