Monday 27 September 2021

Monday stories

If Sunday Stories are a thing, why not Monday? They may say, if you believe such stories, that Sunday was the day God took a rest after creating the world for 6 days, starting Monday. Now this gets rather tricky, since in the three major religions stemming from Abraham, the very same Creator God, rested on Friday for Muslims, Saturday for Jews, and Sunday for the Once True Faith, the Christians led by a Pope. Leaving the schisms within each religion aside for now, you may begin to see, dear readers, why philosophers ask awkward questions, beginning with Why, while theologians tend to try to explain with answers which make no sense, logically. And let's face it folks, logic doesn't really apply in the case of organised religions, which is why scientists are often Atheists, a belief system itself and also illogical of course, since a system preaching nothing we can't currently prove, defies scientific method, which is always open to evidence proving things new, therefore God, currently moving in mysterious ways but often performing miracles, which may one day be true.

Now then, since it's Tuesday today, yesterday was once today, and tomorrow will be today next ... after the deluge yesterday morning, this morning is forecast dry and sunny, this afternoon raining, meaning a nice long walk after breakfast to see Sun rising and a shorter walk later, equipped with waterproof gear this time. Yesterday's afternoon walk in the village turned out sunny and many folks well known were happy enough to stand about talking to another human showing an interest in their stories, even on a Monday. Life's like that when you wander about, exchanging energy gladly with strangers and friends ... and remember every friend was once a stranger ... that's philosophy for you folks! Book learnt philosophy is limited if not practised and lived, clearly. It's logical, I think ... I mean, what's the point of quoting Aristotle, Gautama, Sartre, Descartes, Marx, Spinoza and the rest, if you Kant be content in this Life and live simply, be kind to everyone you meet, firstly yourself ... and die happy, accepting the inevitability of bodily death, whilst leaving open the question of ongoing consciousness?

Between Monday Stories and today's was dreamtime which may be a time and place equally real according to many philosophers, psychologists and mystics. The dream was of Camino and Cathedrals along the Way. It felt not as a premonition or yearning for Spain again, but musing on the value of huge buildings standing across ley line intersections, where pagan sites once stood. And wistful acceptance of my good fortune to have spent so long wandering along the Ways.

Today's Story began well before Dawn, after dreamtime morphed into waking reality, and writing stories began to express the thoughts in case anyone is interested in all these stories, including the blog you're reading now. Other platforms are utilised, as information expands exponentially, and it's useful for the old blogger to pass the time productively, creatively, whilst exploring the purpose of life and it's meaning ... if indeed there is such a thing!
A Walk up the hill to greet Sun rising, was the start of a wonderful wander, with no humans to be found. Sometimes it's better that way, and the exercise is always helpful to keep the organism healthy, suffering being optional as the Buddhists say  ... returning for early coffee around 3 hours later, the head was full of new stories, and writing continued afresh.

Lunch was healthy and YouTube offered short stories in videos to educate and amuse me. Now, it's raining again and some reading may help pass the time in this meaningless life on a planet in trauma for the terrible errors the humans made through linear time ... but first a nap!

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