Monday 13 September 2021

Tuning in the Tribe Vibe

The second day of the Stanhope Show was skipped in favour of the trip over to Hexham, to learn from the wise ones more or less on the same wavelength, and happy to adjust their dials to hear clearly the viewpoints of the Tribe. This infers energy is primary and material matters secondary, in trying to comprehend deeper versions of Reality ... it's taken a century and more to see Descartes' view as a partial truth, therefore essentially a fallacy, when seen sub-atomically ... and tempting as it is for inveterate punners, suggesting Renè had the cart before his horse, is not quite accurate in fact. Let's say his view of "I Am" assumes the one who thinks is primary, whereas quantum reality sees it as not that, but the opposite! For Francophone pedants by the way, je suis desoleè for the grave error on the two "e"s, and hopefully your shock is not acute. That's blogging on a tablet for you folks ...

As time speeds up, partly due to advancing decrepitude and partly to increasing awareness in the human beings, the importance of continuing the journey of questioning everything, trusting one's experience and how it is framed by preconditioned mind, energises an old blogger, who wishes to analyse coolly and calmly, whilst embracing the excitement of new experience, noted at gut level, especially when in relationships with other humans, feeling safe to express the universal form, Agapè, as primary, now that erotic love, Eros, is in the past.

So, how shall we define "My" Tribe? Words like Tribe have different meanings depending on context and subject. Anthropologists tend to visit less civilised groups of people in backward countries, whilst Philosophers and Sociologists prefer borrowing the concept to suggest highly civilised groups of people declining to accept the validity of national boundaries. Further definitions are required to explain "civilised", "backward" and "highly", not to mention "My"! Language eh? How can you trust it? Let's be clear, NLP is nothing new, just the phrase. Neuro-linguistic Programming, also known as the keys to power, has been used since words came into being. Some say Reality itself emerges from The Word. Maybe in the Judeo-Christian creation myth ... their Bible certainly held billions of humans spellbound by the fantastic stories! I mean, honestly, can you Adam and Eve it? Original Sin? Says who? I blame Eve for tempting Adam, personally. Standing there naked in the Garden, flaunting herself, brazenly. Then priests presume to punish men and women for enjoying the action, instead of simply procreating decently, with the lights off, and no nudity at all; just a fumble under the nightie and good night without a thank you or a question about how it was for you?

At the Bandstand two new folks arrived to tune into the vibe, as a few went off to meditate together and some stayed to listen to the music with other folks arriving for that purpose. Other tribe folks sloped off for coffee at the Beaumont Hotel and more discussion and adjusting of dials. Energised, as always by the Sunday treat, your old blogger from Weardale called into Waitrose before retreating over to Stanhope and home.

Monday and Tuesday were planned for more peace and quiet after the busy weekend, which more or less turned out as planned ... meaning the usual walks for exercise involved meeting friends and strangers to discuss issues of concern, tuning in with local tribe vibes and accepting that if the wavelengths were different, then adjusting dials was pointless, of course. At this stage of the crisis, humanity seems to be coalescing around fixed forms at different levels. Fear does that.

When Fear is not, Love IS!

Ohmmm. .. it's early on Wednesday morning and in this hour before Dawn everything's possible.
Well, not everything, literally, of course, but options and possibilities. A bus ride direct to Toon at ten? Why not? Walking in Stanhope, gathering the blackberries for winter vitC again? Writing words for readers or just to pass the time? Reading words in books from sages through the ages? In a way, Life is just occupational therapy ... we have a short time on the planet, becoming shorter every minute, so why waste it worrying about things we can't change? What to change today is the question. Meanwhile, trips are planned to the seaside to see the sea, paddle and maybe swim; to Scotland to see elder daughter and family ... and, most importantly the chimney sweep on Saturday morning, cleaning the flue ready for the chilly nights to come, as the traditional winter flu arrives around October ... it's rumoured that the Sars Cov 2, normal flu, covids, drugs for and against, will all combine to divide and rule us further in a perfect storm.

Buckle up folks, things could get bumpy! Stay calm - crises are for a reason. If it's a battle between Dark and Light, Good and Evil, then the choice is obvious ... Love always wins!

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