Monday 25 October 2021

Life unfolding ...

Today, Tuesday, and bin day here in Stanhope as usual, sees this life unfolding in fascinating ways, from the implicate order to the explicate, and back, as explained by David Bohm in his book called Wholeness and the Implicate Order, which took scientific understanding from Newton and materialism, to quantum scale, pointing towards energy being primary, and closer to the view of the mystics over millennia who saw sub-atomic reality without the microscopes, somehow or other. Bohm himself was clearly a mystic, which elevated his view from the mundane and limited explanations of Nils Bohr and the Copenhagen orthodoxy, which sacrificed sanity, philosophy and indeterminacy for lunacy and huge technological progress, with atomic bombs dropped on two Japanese cities to bring Hirohito to the negiating table ... unlike Hitler and Mussolini, the Emperor survived and accepted his new position as a human being without power, a constitutional leader, with political power in the hands of elected parliaments, in the mode of modern democracies like the United Kingdom, Holland and others. Naturally enough, the late entry of the United States of America into the fray, left them in control of the Western World and their main rival for hegemony was the Soviet Empire, as the dreadful slaughter of WW2 morphed seamlessly into the Cold War, as Capitalism and Socialism vied for supremacy.

Of course, the Yanks won that one as socialism morphed into State Capitalism and the Soviet Empire was dismantled, and the Land of the Free ignored the warnings of Marx and Engels, moved on to Globalism and Cartels, setting the scene for fascism across most of the Earth, the United Nations subverted by Plutocrats and WW3 undeclared but clearly embarking on depopulation not with bloody battles, but psychological and biological warfare. Some say Orwell saw it coming in 1984, others Huxley in Brave New World. Either way it's crystal clear the Plutocrats mean business as usual, and are happy to make huge profits from bio-weapons to reduce the 7 billion human beings to maybe a billion by 2030.

Of course, as is known to those like Bohm, no Luciferian types can possibly win at cosmic level, since the poor old Light Bearer only chose to come to Earth from the Angelic Realm, to remind the human beings to address their dark aspects as well as the Light. Which is good news all round, as long as we behave as the best version of humanity we can, rather than indulging in Wars unending at world scale, or in our own psyches, which is fundamentally the same ...

So, dear readers, the latest news from the Retreat House is that Vivek checks out later today to have peace and quiet in a holiday cottage in the village, and other options arising at this off-peak season, and the blogger returns to tranquillity having enjoyed the experience of hosting a teacher of non-duality for a few days and learning so much about Ramana Maharshi and his lineage, which always fascinated me.

Plans for the rest of the week are probabilities and possibilities obviously, as shown by Heisenberg in his Uncertainty Principle, but include walking, talking, silence, thinking, not thinking, younger daughter's 32nd birthday on Thursday, a trip to Seven Stories in Newcastle with close friend and her young grandchildren to be scared by spooky Halloween stories which sound promising, plus surprise visits from other close friends, maybe Wednesday or Saturday. ..

It's late, time to walk, Vivek sleeps late and wakes up late, which is his rhythm.

Light rain and high clouds forecast, let's go outside and see, shall we?!

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