Monday 4 October 2021

Weekend fun and games

It's Tuesday again in a rainy Stanhope, with a reliable forecast of a good topping up of the River Wear flowing close enough to here for me to hear clearly ... revealing the idea that rhyming can sometimes be overdone. Waterproof gear worn on top of a waterproof skin, with wellies for boots, should ensure an energising walk for an hour or two and a safe return as long as I don't fall into the River Wear and end up floating downstream to the sea at Sunderland.

Saturday was wet also, and the two options of being wet protesting in Stanley or dry here at the Retreat House was resolved by inviting Joe, Pam, Sharon, Geraldine and Frankie the collie to lunch and to hear about their plans as healers. A friend, Jen, who attended the Stanley event reported that they made an impact in the rain, holding up their signs for passing motorists to beep in support as they drove past, dry. Meanwhile we heard about the benefits of Kefir seeds soaked in full fat milk as a pro-biotic from Joe and Pam, who left a jar for us to sample; and the plans of Sharon, a Shaman trained by fellow Shamans in Colombia to introduce Plant Medicine healing in North-East England. Frankie snoozed mostly, until Geraldine went up to try the Schumann Resonance strobe light effects designed to open her third eye, and I seized the chance to venture out togged up with wellies so he could have a run, a pee and a poo, before returning about ten minutes later.

The session ran on later than planned, and was most enjoyable and educational ... great to see Joe after about seven years, and to meet Pam, his partner, plus Sharon the Shaman who appeared to be wise beyond her years, after her experiences in Colombia with the Shamans there.

Sunday turned out dry after a showery start, and the usual drive over to Hexham was rewarding and inspiring as always, with new folks arriving to Stand in the Park and discuss issues of concern in the Sun. Six of us sat in the Beaumont Hotel with coffee and croissants for lunch, which was radical  and deeper dialogue ensued for an hour or so, until the table was required for people who'd reserved it for their proper Sunday lunch at 2, which seems late to me.

Yesterday was the birthday of Geraldine, and we drove to Cragside for her treat. The weather was kind and the house a delight, with a weird kind of new normal apparent as some visitors and staff persisted with masks and others did not ... which of course is actually quite normal because we are all entitled to choose what to wear, as long as we wear something, since The National Trust does not encourage nudity at its places, except Studland Bay, where it's delightfully normal, though not compulsory.

Later, back at the Retreat House, engaging in FB fun, it became clear that much social media was down, as planned without warning, clearly, to really wind up the addicts. U.K. Column News was running on replay, which was analytical and educational as usual, and the FB fast was fine as an early night was required anyway ... early this morning FB had returned, but if we fully comprehend the power these Dark Forces really hold, we'd better get used to such tactics, because they can cut off all sorts of supplies including our internet and cash machines any time they choose.

Are you scared yet? Not me, dear reader, my new hero and role model is Lauren, played by Catherine Tate, who in any situation where she feels oppressed by authority, she sits quietly at the back of the classroom, biding her time, her eyes narrowing, as she prepares her response including her immortal catchphrase : Am I bothered!  Do I look bothered? I really am not bothered. ..

Try it out for yourself. Mock the fascists. .. they really don't like it.

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