Sunday 17 October 2021

Writing Day ...

The humans, in modern times, exchanged the rhythm of the seasons and the labour required to match the needs of families to survive, essentially. As the species evolved, socially, hunter gathering shifted along with power, as greedy ones organised the excess power they demanded, slavery for most was the norm and frankly it's only the details that have changed in the brief time humans decided Earth was a good planet to colonise ... in geological time a minute or two is all it's taken to make a shocking mess of land and sea and atmosphere, with the slavers, let's estimate merely 1%, leading the race to return to space in search of another planet to destroy.

Now, whether this 1% of plutocrats is fully human, with souls, is an open question ... some say they're reptilian and maybe here from Pluto or further afield to teach the human beings how to stand up for Freedom against their tyranny. Maybe it's true, who knows?

After Saturday's coastal trip, Daisy was ready for a run over the fells to Hexham again, to meet the tribe of like-minded folks organising ways to resist the fascist authoritarian rulers who used a compliant Parliament to nod through Martial Law without any discussion with the population about whether a virus was sufficient reason to declare civil war on an international scale via the United Nations and their agencies, the World Economic Forum and World Health Organisation.

In the Park members of the Tribe gathered to hear from three fine and fearless warrior women, Lee, Lyne and Michelle, who found themselves invited to a Zoom room in the week, where rebel medics and awake philanthropists discussed their plans to set up a parallel health service in England from the bottom up, since the top heavy, top down NHS has been corrupt for far too long and the mistaken medical model of health has persisted in its work to patch up and repair broken human bodies as if we are cars in need of new tyres, new parts, a change of oil and a good polish to keep us on the road longer. Of course, resources were spent on public health, but tax money could never match the revenue of large corporations with crap food, lethal drugs, mindless media to sell, and the psychologists willing to sell their souls to support the plutocrats with advertising with subliminal messaging to undermine the health of the population.

A rebel doctor from Hartlepool , Peter Chan, is one of the movers and shakers amongst many others thoroughly fed up with the disgraceful actions of health professionals last year and ongoing, to coerce people into accepting the injection of so-called vaccines, which appear to be bio-weapons tailored to reduce the world population in The Great Reset proposed by Professor Klaus Schwab of the WEF, backed by the 1% with such Luciferians as Gates, Soros and others investing and reaping massive returns from the drugs paid for by the taxes about to soar, as the money supply is manipulated to get the bankers off the hook yet again.

Now, here's a problem for this old blogger, cheerfully joining the fray, and keen to replay the heroic role of Che Guevara of his youth. Clearly philosophy and psychology teaches us to step back and step up a level in Life School, since we're all here to learn our lessons and realise our mistakes so as to ensure karma is cleaned up for the next life. If you believe all that metaphysical meandering taught in so many different ways, that is ... frankly, dear readers, at 70 years and counting, it's time to invest in the future, and as the Catholics taught, it's never too late to confess your sins and get to heaven, along with other Christian cults, where only the chosen few get a ticket to go up, whilst the great majority are going to hell ... hmmm can this be true? No thanks, let's try another approach and create our heaven here on Earth, taught by common sense, ethics, compassion for all the world, and whatever system you follow, as long love is at the heart of it!

Yesterday was writing day, since this story composed of many stories, published freely, thanks to google, represents the efforts of one so-called human being to pass the time and share some insights for any reader who cares to take a look at it. Obviously there's no censorship of it, though google could always crash it if it chose to ... paranoid? Not really, just aware and unconcerned about these games or the outcomes of them ... play them well folks, it passes the time, after all.
Vivek, next door, joined the walk to Frosterley for apples and spoke of his system towards the truth, the Ultimate in his lineage with Papaji and Ramana Maharshi teaching non-duality, which was fascinating indeed. Unity is taught at the Park, at South Shields and the Headland of Hartlepool by friends with systems and no systems at all ... so, who knows what to make of it all?

At Wear and Dao it's clear enough that confusion is cleared by curiousity and enjoying this life as if it's the only one, being kind wherever possible and playing the human games to pass the time wisely ... so, it's Tuesday again, still dark outside, recycling day in Stanhope, blue bins to put out, breakfast first, then out around Dawn to wander somewhere or other ... let's see shall we?!

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