Tuesday 2 November 2021

Original Sin

Wandering along the Way to Compostela one day
Pondering the mystery of Creation from a story in the Bible
Old Testament that is: One Creator God, three names, three religions
Jehova for Jews, God for Christians, Allah for Muslims,
All United as One, fighting each other in The Holy Lands ever since!

Meanwhile, in Paradise, Adam lived, playing happily,
Naked as God intended,not separate from the birds, bees,
And trees, shedding golden leaves each Autumn, or Fall
To stand naked in black and white silhouette in the snow

Evolution of the species led poor Adam into a quandary
As the consciousness he shared with other species - thinking
Became metaconsciousness, thinking about thinking for God's sake!
Which, as many Buddhists and others discovered, is a trap for meditators
Since transcending the Ego can never be found by thinking it can ...

Meanwhile, back in The Garden of Eden, Adam yearned for a playmate
And God assented to his request, by taking a spare rib from his chest
And creating a beautiful woman, Eve, naked like Adam was, but subtly different
With small breasts sprouting out, and the penis tiny at the top of her secret place
Hiding under a mound of hair known as Venus ...

It wasn't a serpent who dared her to pluck the apple of desire, to tempt the pair
After all, how else would they be able to produce two sons, Cain and Abel?
So, the human race spread across the face of the Earth, with women and men
Breeding like rabbits, loving the heat of the sexual energy, as if such a thing
Could ever be a Sin, as young people know from experience, whatever the priests preach
Hypocritically ... their holier than thou celibacy twisted, power misused to abuse
Maidens, choirboys, each other, alone with whips to scourge their Sin
To gain the Heaven they espouse, or the Hell they may deserve

Celibacy, you see, as a Rule, may be a blessing or a curse
Depending on how you experience it yourself
Radical celibacy on the other hand, scorns any rules made by humans
And employs Common Sense, Ethics and Compassion to choose how to live
In harmony with the humans of any religion or none, any race or colour of skin
Or false notion of Original Sin ... in Latin that three letter word simply means error
A mistake we may learn from, an arrow missing the Bulls Eye, that's all
Travelling in Spain, for example, Sin carne Senõr? No meat then!
Incarnate? In human form, embodied ... endowed with a Soul flourishing
Along the Pilgrim Ways ... why else walk for weeks and months at Life School
If not to know thyself and see it for what it truly is, an illusion, that's all!

In old age, the passionate heat of youth settles down
To a warm glow of contentment and equanimity,
after a life well led experientally and not only book-read
Seeing is believing, living authentically something else entirely
If All the World's a Stage and we are merely players on it
We'd better play our many parts as if real
And return to our real home at the end of this life
For a well earned resting in Peace!

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