Thursday, 21 April 2022

Friday Fish and Chips

If it's Friday it must be Fish and Chips naturally dear readers of Wear and Dao.  Anyhow, that's as far as Christians are concerned, though we know that doesn't mean every reader of the blog by any means! Frankly I'd guess at less than half that number when we include Buddists, Daoists, Sufis, Muslims, Sikhs and Jews ...

The guests today were Lee, Martin and Paul, though none of them stayed for fish and chips ... we discussed books mostly over tea and biscuits. .... Paul Hope was keen to visit and required a lift from Lee and Martin as he was not permitted to drive since his stroke over six months ago.

After the first batch had departed, Carol the pracitioner of Bom called in with gifts of Buddhist books and a beautiful book of Bom written by Carol and her husband between translating books from English to Russian and vice versa. Linguists please note that Bom has an umlaut over the "o" and Bom the religion predated Buddhism, though Bom folks still quote Tibetan Buddhism notwithstanding a schism in that religion.  It beats me dear readers why religious practitioners seem to love nothing more than to fight over minor differences when every so-called religion professes to point to the numinous yet declines to practice it!

Anyway it was late before Fish, Chips and Mushy Peas appeared on the plates of the kind, caring nurse, carer and chef de cuisine and the blogger, but the wait was surely worth it since the dish was sublime and went down a treat, not to mention the sweetmeat supplied by Carol the Buddhist/ Bom adherent, who didn't partake of Fish, Chips and traditional Mushy Peas. Carol by the way lives local to Stanhope and is a dear friend of ours and certainly practises what she preaches! She eloquently described to the old blogger the wonderful fauna observed on her recent walks along the roads much travelled by yours truly.

And so Fishy Friday morphs imperceptibly into Saturday Serenity or whatever the alliteration requires! If you're enjoying reading this stuff why not comment on it, after all dear readers it's a lonely road when travelled without company ...

1 comment:

  1. Always enjoy reading your blogs .. if your up to it perhaps myself david an tess tess could bring you some cheese scones round x
