Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Maunday Thursday

Well well, dear readers of Wear and Dao, Easter is underway the day before Good Friday when Christ was crucified and fish is required eating, so the kind nurse/carer heads over the fells to Consett to fetch fish for the Good Friday repast when dear Alan arrives for a fish lunch. Of course Friday Fish is not obligatory, except for fully Christian folks and even then who's to dictate the fishy rules and regulations?

Hey ho, here we go again dear readers, falling for the brainwash yet again, instead of pleasing ourselves, accepting and offering Easter Eggs or not. Some say we live in a free world and slavery was prohibited ages ago, whereas common sense advises wiser heads that converting capital to the revenue accounting column makes perfect sense!  Never mind, common sense is not as common as you might like to think dear readers and some use common feast days as an excuse to share abundance with those they love.

Dear Gillian arrived for afternoon tea to discuss philosophy and Will writing  since it's long past time to settle the Last Testament of your doddery old blogger. Before the discussions on Will writing commenced, scones were eaten warm with butter, which was heavenly indeed, lunch having already been consumed with spinach, veggie sausages and a nice sauce, which was utterly delicious and nutritious as always. It would appear , dear readers , that your doddery old blogger , having nothing to do but think , concentrates on his stomach ? Mmmmm Easter ? Chocolate comes to mind !!! .

But first dear readers, supper was eaten comprising veggie mince, cabbage, sweet corn, mushrooms in small quantity but marvellous quality. Dessert was soya ice cream leaving a fresh taste in the mouth .... a healthy diet I'd say.

Anyway, none of this culinary chit chat takes us close to the Meaning of Life, the point of living a good life after all. Lying in bed listening to Bach's Messiah gets us close, but is it close enough dear readers?  If you've any idea of Life and the Meaning of it, please do share; Maunday Thursday is frankly confusing  to lay readers, dear blog readers of Wear and Dao. Still, Gillian the Angel of Stanhope explains it all philosophically not to mention Will writing, Last Testaments and so on. Bedtime now, it's late as this is composed for your pleasure, to educate, elucidate and who knows what reason. Good Friday's tomorrow and Alan is due to arrive for lunch and to discuss the Meaning of Life ... it's a busy life dear readers, blogging, reading and considering the issues of Easter and the metaphorical mystery of miracles and the wonderful world in which we chose to live this time round.

Good night dear readers and with luck we'll all sleep deeply and awake refreshed  ...

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