This morning just before Easter, a lung function test is offered by the NHS at Bishop Auckland Hospital, and involves stressing the lungs to bursting point to see how they cope. This gives us a good idea of the scale of the problem and the treatment required to relieve the problem. After the hospital, we departed for lunch with the daughter and grandchildren of the caring nurse carer who wheeled your wheezey blogger to the hospital appointment.
After a hearty lunch of soup, quiche and salad we drove back home to recuperate from the very busy morning, enabling your blogger to start this post, read the Bucket saga etc after the obligatory nap or siesta.
Still, dear reader, that's mere details. After all the main thing now is not fearing dying, nor the manner of passing, but maybe improving the time left before kicking the Bucket. A Last Will and Testament is needed, naturally, since it's vital to establish the last wishes of the deceased and who's to inherit. Clearly the two daughters inherit, and the share is 50:50 as always. Other beneficiaries need naming and all this needs signing and witnessing.
This dying business seems terribly troublesome for all concerned but that's living and dying for you. Never mind, a decent funeral gives family and friends a chance to gather together to rejoice in a Life well led and a Death accepted as inevitable. A belief in ongoing consciousness aids the whole process, of course.
Beyond all that dear readers, frankly the preferred funeral is to be buried on the fells of Weardale in a peat bog! Instead your blogger gets to choose the funeral venue, songs to be sung, food to be eaten etc. The suggestion is the Methodist Chapel, Bach, Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah, Tina Turner's Beyond and maybe Always Look on the Bright Side of Life from The Life of Brian. As for food, maybe a delicious, nutritious buffet in St Thomas's Church Hall.
In the meantime dear readers, life goes on and 2 bedroom bungalow in Stanhope becomes available, which may be 5 years of A Place to Be and the lending library brimming with books on Philosophy and Theology etc. If you happen to be in Stanhope sometime do call over for conversation.
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