Sunday, 24 April 2022

Sunday Lunch

Good morning dear readers of Wear and Dao, it's Sunday yet again, the 71st one in the life of your blogger  and frankly the first one spent with a debilitating illness. The previous seven years were spent walking the Camino de Santiago de Compostela putting in  shifts of 50km a day, with a record of 65 km. That one was tough but doable by setting off from the hostel in moonlight and arriving at the monastery in Santiago de Compostela after dark. That's a walk never to be repeated in this Life at least. Walking upstairs is the cause of breathlessness these days!

On with the story of today, Sunday 24.04.2022, a typical Spring day with sunny weather to warm us and the occasional cloud and a stiff breeze to necessitate a few layers plus warm hat and scarf to stay cosy when out in the wheelchair getting the VitD for free. Today was yet another day for getting out in the wheelchair, with just Bill the Philosopher coming over for Sunday Lunch ... a yummy Spanokopita bring memories of trips to Greece years ago. Jules and Peter the next door neighbours came over to shift some more things out of The Retreat House, including a beautiful bureau for the bungalow we move to soon.

Anyway suffice to say the spinach and feta pie was wonderful and another masterpiece from the kind friend and retired nurse and chef de cuisine in whose house yours truly lives currently, pending the move to the bungalow over the road. Bill the Philsopher certainly appreciated it and the leftovers from Sunday lunch soon became soup spiced up with turmeric and delicious. After Bill departed a third exposure to vitD left the skin glowing and your blogger glowing too.

After supper it's time to compose the blog about Sunday Lunch, involving reflections on a life led to the full and rarely allowing fear to spoil the fun. Between blogging FB Messenger needs attention paying to Daughters and good friends ...and whilst all this reminiscing is going on Bach and Beethoven play on headphones to further inspire your blogger to create stories which may inspire readers to aspire to the numinous, as indeed yours truly was inspired by great teachers like J.Krishnamurti, Alan Watts, Gautama, Jesus Christ, Rumi and numerous other famous Gurus.

Tomorrow is Monday at the Metrocentre, the local superstore, where an Apple store will advise us which iPad/laptop to purchase to enable easier writing and blog editing and how much. Research suggests around £1k will do it, which might sound expensive to some,  but a retired blogger with plenty of time on his hands finds it a bargain to be honest.

And so dear readers of Wear and Dao, Spring turns into Summer, April into May and the world keeps on turning as human beings get older daily until they drop off the perch and return to the soil from whence they came and to which they must return someday, sooner or later.

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