Tuesday dawns early in April, increasingly so until the Summer Solstice in June when the days shorten even though summer has barely begun! That's in the nature of things calendrical dear readers, and 71 years plus of calendar watching and season counting means the old bones are creaking and lungs wheezing somewhat, especially when upper respiratory problems invade the sacred object called body incarnate.
Clearly a discarnate body has nothing about it to infect, therefore no wheezing or sneezing only the eternal, ethereal soul to float about either in heaven or hell if you believe all that guff.Yesterday's forecast was for drizzle all day but sunshine prevailed until dusk when a sprinkle of drizzle arrived. That's the good old Beeb for you dear readers, if you can't even trust the weather forecast what's the chance of the News being trustworthy?
Tuesday's visitors arrived bang on time to give the wheezing old blogger the attention he required for healing, not to mention his compassionate carer and nurse as we shared afternoon tea with biscuits, creamy cakes and philosophy, of course, what else?! Well, a miracle might help and we all prayed for that, and the three visitors discussed the books and their genres, authors and so on, while others listened to the spiritual music playing on the stereo.
Before all that Diana rang to announce her exciting news that her daughter, son-in-law, and two boys are returning from Hong Kong soon with a third child in the womb of her daughter.
Tomorrow looks interesting, with a valuation of the Retreat House at 11.30, when we'll have an idea of the price we might charge to the next door neighbours. That's it for tonight dear readers, see you tomorrow for more Miracles and stories about the nature of reality!
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