As time continues to speed up with memories and reminiscences reminding ancient bloggers that life is short, dear readers of Wear and Dao, what on Earth is to be the legacy of this Life, and who cares anyway! Today was a funny one and remarkably free from appointments! though replete with memories and reminiscences.
Hey ho! 71 and counting the days to spend living and those to spend dying. After all what else is old age for except recalling past triumphs and disasters and treating those imposters as the same, as Rudyard Kipling said regarding the Crimean War. The British Empire lingered over long and still carried on allied to the USA. Basically it's been NATO and the Anglo-American alliance backed militarily by NATO, versus first Russia then the Soviet Union backed militarily by the Warsaw Pact. Other alliances came into play as China upped its game and produced cheap goods to flood the markets leaving China holding the money and the Western Economic alliance, the Common Market, basically skint and in decay. That's Empires for you, each one rises full of vigour and decays through debauchery. ..
However none of this divide and rule tomfoolery cuts any ice at this time of life when the future requires peace, ascension, miracles and certainly not more Empires, endless wars or even the eugenics agenda of Klaus Schwab.
Of course past history or a future means nothing if the philosophers are right and all that exists is the eternal present moment.
So what does tomorrow offer us? A meeting about selling the Retreat House soon for one, good healthy food to sustain the body, good stimulating books to read and write and the milk of human kindness, principally provided by the kind caring nurse these days but throughout this life by many friends, family and acquaintances. Bearing in mind of course the foregoing quip about the present moment or the Power of Now according to Eckhart Tolle whose even better follow up was the inspirational A New Earth ...
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