Friday, 15 April 2022

Good Friday 2022

Happy Good Friday dear readers! The day when Jesus Christ was crucified,  so probably inappropriate to say "happy", Easter eggs notwithstanding. So, today Alan arrived for lunch of fish pie followed by trifle, a veritable feast cooked up by the caring nurse carer and chef de cuisine.

Before all that dear readers, the door bell rang to announce the arrival of the District Nurse to check the progress of the impatient patient, then a second surprise visitor landed with John arriving from Barnard Castle, where he resides to Stanhope where he works. John's mission was to discuss ways to improve the services in Weardale. The caring carer nurse plus your ancient blogger offered advice and suggested John stay for lunch to meet Alan, but John regretfully declined, leaving an Easter Egg as a gift and missing the wonderful fish pie and amazing trifle and Alan's delightful company.

After a few hours of philosophy, psychology and punning, Alan departed promising to return another day for more of the same, plus exchanging the book of Harari which he borrowed, having returned several books including The Shoulder on the Hill written by a local author and The Master and His Emissary by psychiatrist Iain McGillchrist, whose subsequent publication was The Matter with Things.

Books, books books, can you ever have enough dear bibliophiles? Well it certainly passes the time when not blogging ... at 71 years old and finally succumbing to serious ill health, it's vital to pass the time productively and what better than seeking meaning in this Life before passing peacefully to the next. Of course a peaceful Life or Death is not guaranteed nor whether we're heading up to Heaven above or down to the fires of Hell. Maybe neither? It's all rather confusing, especially on Good Friday, which was surely not good for Jesus Christ according to the Christian Bible nor Brian whose depiction of an alternative in The Life of Brian upset many upright Christian folks and amused sceptics who comprehended that all these stories are metaphorical.

Organised religion has a lot to answer for over its centuries of domination and hypocrisy after all. These are the questions philosophers pose, not seeking answers but better, deeper questions dear readers of Wear and Dao. And at 71, when the Will is signed and The Last Testament completed what else is left to do but rest in peace and maybe clock up a few more years in the two bedroom bungalow over the road in Stanhope.

Tomorrow the mother and sister of the caring nurse carer arrive for Lunch as the Easter season continues.
Meanwhile an early bedtime and light supper is sufficient, meaning  hot cross buns with lashings of butter and ice cream for dessert.

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