Easter Sunday in Stanhope, the 71st Sabbath of your blogger's life so far dear readers, and maybe the last, who knows? Clearly the inevitability of bodily death is known, but not the time of it. As for passing peacefully, who knows? Can we choose it? Well yes indeed we can, it's called euthanasia ... quite frankly dear readers I'd consider it, despite the prohibition by several religions. Linguistically speaking of course Sabbath is Spanish or Sabado, whilst Sunday is Domingo.
Anyway dear Diana was invited for afternoon tea at 3pm, maybe for hot cross buns or toasted teacakes ... we'd already decided to have brunch by the way ... our philosopher friend Bill decided to join us unexpectedly making four for afternoon tea, and simnel cake appeared, baked by the kind caring nurse carer, plus yummy chocolates posing a dilemma for your old blogger. As if that wasn't sufficient drama Bill's unexpected dilemma was due to solar flares disturbing the equilibrium of many sensitive souls.
Now, Diana and Bill had never met before so naturally Philosophical issues were discussed,Diana being Roman Catholic and Bill a philosopher without any religion but an understanding of the numinous and deep faith in the after life. But what on Earth does it mean? Well, the meaningless nature of organised religions springs to mind ...
Well, that's Easter Sunday done and dusted dear readers, so what treats will Easter Monday bring us? Two daughters obviously and maybe more surprise guests for lunch to discuss the Last Will and Testament and more philosopy naturally!
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