Sunday, 17 April 2022

Monday Musing

Bank Holiday Monday in Stanhope means the Easter holidays are extended for some. Most schools extend to the end of week, which is nice for the teachers and not always convenient for working parents.

Meanwhile on the alliterative front, the blog requires writing in order to amuse you dear readers ... or maybe confuse you, because you never know how to write these blogs to point readers to philosophy, defined in Ancient Greece as love of wisdom or love of knowledge,  two very different things. Why bother you may ask, to spend time blog writing when there's plenty to do apart from seeking the Nature of Reality and the Meaning of Life?!

Good question dear readers, what's the point of anything?  Plenty of folks just enjoy their lives without seeking to know the Nature of Reality or the Meaning of Life. As for this philosophical old blogger, he finds meaning through finding a higher purpose, bringing us to today's guests at the house of the kind caring nurse friend with downstairs bathroom and toilet , where the daughters arrive, bringing gifts of baclava and free range eggs. Not to mention Love, of course, you can't put a price on that!

Anyway, what else can we do but muse on the Meaning of Life?  It passes the time beween living and dying after all. The dear daughters certainly amuse and sometimes bemuse their old Dad! And are unfailingly kind to each other and Father, so who on Earth could ask for more than that?!

After the daughters a potential buyer arrived to discuss the purchase of the Retreat House which she wishes to purchase and we wish her to purchase it too. Much musing continues around the content of the Last Will and Testament, the old blogger having foresworn the accumulation of possessions.

Tomorrow  we have nothing much booked in at all, meaning time to muse upon the Meaning of Life yet again, read books like the Bucket saga, Alan Watts and others, reflect on the length time left in this human form, and so on ...

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