Thursday, 28 April 2022

Thirsty Thursday

Apologies are due to you, dear readers of Wear and Dao, for the absence of the blog. This was due to the purchase of an Apple iPad to make Wear and Dao  more accessible. So what's been hapenning in the meantime, you may ask. Well, on Monday morningyour blogger and his kind caring nurse and wheelchair pusher went to the MetroCentre in Gateshead in search of an Apple iPad to upgrade the quality of the blog. This explains, dear readers, the reason for the absence of blogging in the last few days.

So why Thirsty Thursday you may ask? Obviously  because some readers amongst you may be thirsting for  information! Indeed one or two of you contacted the blogger to ask about the whereabouts of the blog.

So, here you go dear readers of Wear and Dao, a summary of the events of the past four days ... Monday after buying the Apple, we went to Marks and Spencers for lunch ... a  spicy,chilli wrap, which was delicious and nutritious as expected. Dessert was a lovely cake and after all that we returned to Stanhope to try out the Apple iPad, which was when the fun really started.

Having purchased the lovely iPad dear readers Tuesday was designated for learning how to use it. Having used a tablet for some time , indeed your old blogger writes this blog on a tablet , one would assume that some knowledge could be transferable , wrong ! Passwords abound ! Help was required , and where better to find help than the hub where an old friend has been known to assist IT illiterates such as your old blogger to get to grips with the modern method of communication. And so to the hub using the wheelchair which is now the transport mode of choice and the kind caring nurse, as someone is required to push said wheelchair and since she requires exercise , a route along the river walk was taken, then up the incline into the village shopping area  renamed Everest by the caring nurse who was less inclined to be kind. Once at the hub an invitation was extended to the friend and her husband to visit the home of the kind caring nurse to assist the old blogger with his new toy.
On Wednesday more fun was had as we learnt a few more things about Apple iPads from other experts, between breakfast, lunch and supper, mostly healthy and nutritious,  with certain exceptions 'like chocolate and chips.

This brings us bang up to date to Thursday Thirsting and a delicious and nutritious breakfast of porridge with fruit plus buttered toast and marmite.  John came for roast lunch and news of his intention to take communion despite his previous adherence to scepticism about any religion, which by no means means he has no beliefs in the Meaning of Life and the numinous. After lunch Gillian the Angel of Stanhope arrived for more philosophy and all four of us engaged in the big questions.  So, dear readers of Wear and Dao,  there's your summary for the missing four days. And by  the way John added more solutions to the mystery of the Apple iPad, so all in all a most productive and illuminating day was had by all!

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